8. They size up when they see something miscellaneous that scares them. | The Odyssey Online
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12 'Purrfect' Things Cats Do That Make Us Love Them So Much

Without cats, I think we'd be missing out a little bit on life.

12 'Purrfect' Things Cats Do That Make Us Love Them So Much

Whether you just recently got a feline friend or if they've been in your life for years, I'm sure we can all agree that cats have their own personalities. They're bundles of fur that like to get the zoomies at 5:00 in the morning to let us know they're up and want attention. Sometimes they like to entertain us by squaring up to miscellaneous, inanimate objects on the other side of the room. While some people like to believe cats "don't care as much as dogs do," I can assure you that it's never a dull moment having a cat and they always have a way of spicing up your life.

1. Your side of the bed is their side of the bed.

adorable dog bed GIFGiphy

It doesn't matter what size bed you have - king, queen, full - they could have all the space on the entire bed and still make themselves comfortable either right next to you or on top of you. And if they're already settled in, you better work your way around them because they're not budging from that spot. At least you get them to cuddle with you!

2. Their weird obsession with paper.

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I don't know what it is about paper that cats are so drawn to. I remember nights where I tried to get my homework done and I almost couldn't because my cat kept making his way back onto my assignment. Imagine telling your teacher you couldn't finish the homework because your cat fell asleep on it…

3. Their fascination with your computer.

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I love watching cats check out laptops and computer screens, looking behind them as if what they see on the screen is really there. I've seen people give their cats either a fake or old laptop because it's said that they like to mimic what their humans do and I've always wanted to try it!

4. When they randomly get the zoomies.

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Having your cat race around the room and jumping on you isn't the most ideal wake-up call, but it does get you up and ready to start the day whether you like it or not.

5. Doing everything they can to get your attention.

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People like to say that cats are more passive and don't really care about you in comparison to dogs, but if a cat hasn't seen you in a long time, I can assure you they will let you know they missed you. Any time I come home to visit my family, my cat is always meowing at me to pet me and when my mom gets home from work, he will meow until she picks him up. It's the best coming home to someone who missed us as much as we miss them.

6. Swatting at you for giving them too many pets or scratches.

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Although cats love the attention from their humans, they're not afraid to let you know when they've had enough. They have to get just the right amount of scratches or pets because I guess if we give them too much, they just can't handle it.

7. They slowly close their eyes while looking at you.

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I've read and heard that this is their way of telling us they love us. If you're a cat owner, you've probably done it back and it's honestly one of the cutest things ever to just entertain with them back and forth.

8. They size up when they see something miscellaneous that scares them.

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It doesn't matter what it is, if kitty doesn't like, they'll square up and fight it.

9. When they have so many toys but they’d rather play with anything else.

stuck flip flop GIFGiphy

A box, a hair tie, a random string on the ground, you name it and they will play with it. Every once in a while, we'll take out a toy from the assortment we already have at hand, but nothing compares to just a good ol' sandal just lying around to play with.

10. Eating food only in the center of the bowl and pushing the rest to the side.

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This is especially true if you put the treats right in the center of the bowl, believe me I know. I will admit, it's funny watching them look up at you with their big eyes, asking for more food when it's all still in the bowl.

11. When they try to make a jump but they don’t make it.

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They made the calculations, they put in the effort, but sometimes they fall just short of sticking the landing. They get an A for effort, though.

12. When they knead and massage.

Cat Sleeping GIFGiphy

There are many names for when they do this: making biscuits, kneading dough, making bread, etc. This one of a kind massage is the best when it's been a long day and you can finally relax while your cat goes to town at the bakery! It's always an instant serotonin boost.

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