Donald Trump Does Not Get To Decide Who Is A Patriot
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Donald Trump Does Not Get To Decide Who Is A Patriot

I'm tired of Donald Trump twisting the NFL protests.

Donald Trump Does Not Get To Decide Who Is A Patriot
Flickr Creative Commons

From the moment Donald Trump was sworn into office at the beginning of 2017, his administration has been embroiled in one controversy or scandal after another. He's repeatedly tried to rip away healthcare from millions of Americans and due to his poor communication skills, he practically condoned the racist marches in Charlottesville. As if that wasn't enough, he's taken the peaceful protests by many of the NFL players and cast them in a negative light.

These protests are causing a lot of controversy and confusion, that of which Donald Trump is not helping. Our president is broadcasting his belief that the NFL players, like Colin Kaepernick, are taking a knee during the national anthem in an attempt to disrespect the American flag.

This could not be further from the truth.

These players, the majority of them African-American, are protesting racial injustices currently realized in our country.

It's no surprise that protests of this nature have become so popular in our country today. After the events in Charlottesville, where white supremacists marched down the streets waving confederate flags and promoting violence, the NFL players are using their well-deserved fame to fight back.

Donald Trump has taken this peaceful protest and turned it on its head in an attempt to shame those who are standing up for what they believe in.

Mr. President, have you forgotten the spirit of the First Amendment?

These players have the right to stand up against injustice and voice their opinions. Trump is concerned about the NFL players disrespecting the American flag, but weren't the acts of the white supremacists in Charlottesville disrespectful? When white people stand up for what they believe in, Donald Trump stays silent. When African-Americans stand up for their belief, it's considered disrespectful.

Donald Trump is turning these peaceful protests for equal rights into an event he can use to divide the country even further and give his supporters something to rally behind.

When the Founding Fathers drafted the Constitution, nowhere does it say that you must stand for the national anthem to honor our country.

People honor our country in more ways than one. These players are taking a knee during the National Anthem to proclaim that they are not going to continue living in a country where racial injustice is normality. If anything, these men have more heart, grit, and patriotism to stand up for what they believe in and make a change than the self-proclaimed patriot we call our President.

With all of this being said, what is patriotism? Is it flying the American flag around every corner, or is standing up for the founding principles of this country? Donald Trump's attempt to quiet these football players is a prime example of someone condoning racism, simply because it does not affect them.

You, Mr. President, do not hold the right to declare who loves America more.

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