Why I Enjoy Politics | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Enjoy Politics

This is so much more than a degree to me.

A little picture of my most recent travel to Washington D.C..
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Many people think that I am out of my right mind because I enjoy politics so much. I am a bit odd for it I guess, but I can honestly say that it is a part of my life that I do not want to miss out on.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we...

My family did not really discuss politics as I was growing up, but my parents and sister were active voters. I was aware of the fair amount of the basics you could say. My love for politics really began when I was a senior in high school when I had one of the best government teachers known! My teacher was able to show me how the government and politics have a major impact on my life, and how I can make an impact.

At this point in my high school career, I had no idea what I wanted to go to college and earn a degree in, but time was running out (FAST). My teacher saw that I thoroughly enjoyed politics and studying the government and told me that Political Science is an actual degree!! I almost fell out of my chair when I was enlightened on this life-changing information. You have to understand, I am from a small town and was totally unaware of the world outside of it.

I decided to take a wildlife adventure and attempt to get a degree in Political Science. This was the best decision I ever made when it came to my future career. Most, or some, people do not like their careers, because they mainly choose it for the economic aspect (which is totally okay), but I happen to be totally digging it.

So far, I am a senior in college and I am still pursuing my degree. I recently accepted a fantastic full-time job in my field, which is a dream come true. I knew from the beginning that I was taking a risk in getting this degree because it is not considered to be in high demand. I have been so fortunate to meet so many great people and enjoy so many fun opportunities.

I encourage everyone to find something that they enjoy and pursue it. Growing up can be so scary, but it does not have to be boring. Go out and be your true self. Whether it is politics or biology, go do you.

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