Finals week is approaching and it feels like it came faster than ever before. The libraries are packed and open all night, the coffee shops are making more money than they have all year, and you've cried enough tears to fill a swimming pool. What people don't realize is, everyone is in the same boat. We all have breakdowns about anything and everything in college, and the one you have had (or are going to have) during finals is completely okay and normal.
When You Have A Breakdown About Failing
Everyone has failed a class, even some of the smartest or richest people in the world. Push through, cry if you need to, work hard, and don't let the social stigmas about grades get you down. If we all let a failing grade define us, the world would be a mess.
When You Have a Breakdown Because You're Overwhelmed
We're college students. Not only are we taking 15 or more credits, but some of us have jobs, friends and significant others, we have clubs and sports and Greek life, and on top of that, we have to buy holiday presents with zero dollars in our bank accounts. No one said it was easy. Add finals on top of that and we realize that there isn't enough time in the day. Let it out, have a breakdown, get some pizza and complain with your friends. You deserve it.
When You Have A Breakdown Because You're Homesick
In two or three short weeks, finals will be over and you can go home to your bed, your family, actual good food and no stress. Call your parents and let it all out to them because you know they'll be willing to listen to it.
When You Have a Breakdown Because of FOMO
Your friends may be done finals before you, and you're seeing pictures and SnapChats while you're stuck at school pushing through finals. Remember, they had to cram for their finals too, just earlier than you did. You may even be better off. Push through because your break will be a lot better knowing you really tried.
Finals week is almost here and it's also almost over. Push through, friends. I believe in you.