Krista Moody on OdysseyKrista Moody
Krista Moody

Krista Moody

Username: kristamoody

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    My name is Krista Moody and I am currently a college freshman at Bryant University. I am passionate about writing advice articles. I am a very kind-hearted person who works to improve the lives of the people around me. I wish to share my struggles with other people, so they may benefit from the lessons I have learned. In my free time I mostly enjoy reading self-improvement books. However, today it seems these self-help books are tailored to older individuals. I hope to use my words to inspire young adults to start finding themselves sooner. In hope that they may start impacting the world in a positive way at an earlier age. My time at Bryant has not been the easiest. I am about a four hours’ drive from my hometown. Furthermore, I have decided I will be transferring universities next semester. I want to work for The Odyssey so I may offer other college students advice. I would like to speak on behalf of my struggles so future students will be able to experience a better first year. I have learned a lot about myself and the college process this year. For example, I have learned the transfer process is a very difficult one. I have discovered there was many things nobody told me about transferring. The transfer process is one that must be taken very independently. I have found there is not an abundance of advice on the internet for people who are thinking about transferring. I would like to speak on the difficulties I have encountered, so I may pass on what I have learned. Furthermore I am a very positive, romantic person. I am currently in a long distance relationship that has worked out surprisingly well. I believe I have a great deal of college relationship advice to offer other people in my situation. I would like to speak to what seems like a minority of college students. Students who do not party and get intoxicated for the majority of the time, students interested in more than just hooking up with someone. I want to speak to the millennials, like myself who have goals that seem beyond those of their peers. I aim to use my words to motivate the best of my generation to create their own path and not fall into sync with the majority of the students around them. I would also like to share my positive outlook on life. There are many things I wish to write about. My goal for writing is to share my personal stories with others so they may have someone to relate to. This way students going through similar struggles do not feel alone.

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