The 4 Types Of Boyfriends On Valentine's Day
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The 4 Types Of Boyfriends On Valentine's Day

Life isn't always like a box of chocolates.

The 4 Types Of Boyfriends On Valentine's Day

A lot of different things can happen in a relationship on Valentine's Day. It can be the day when your commitment-phobic boo finally declares how much he truly cares for you, or the unfortunate moment when you realize that the guy you've had a "thing" with for the past six weeks isn't worth as much as that Olive Garden meal he "splurged" on for your birthday...

Regardless of how wonderful (or subpar) your Valentine's day may end up to be, it always brings about some sort of revelation of the kind of person your man can be when it comes time for him to step up to the plate. Here are the four most common types of alter-egos your boo might shift into this February 14th.

1. The Christian Grey

Let's be real, not all of us are savvy enough to become billionaires in our late twenties like our dearest Mr. Grey. However, in this day in age it isn't terribly difficult to save up a pretty penny for a special occasion. This is where the average twenty-something college boy comes in. He breaks out his favorite tailored suit (or Patagonia collared shirt), sprays on way too much cologne for anyone within a ten foot radius of him, and takes you to the most expensive restaurant in town.

He is sure to hold open every door for you, and he might even offer you a bite of his food if he's really committing to the part. When you slide in the question about the possibility of dessert, he waves you off as if the thirteen dollar crème brûlée is nothing. As you're sitting there in shock staring down at your perfectly rounded crab cakes, he'll be sitting across the table chewing at his steak and wishing maybe he had the means to really treat you like Christian would have...

2. The Mr. Krabs

Getting back to the more stereotypical (and sadly slightly more realistic) version of the Valentine's night most of us will see will be one filled with shortcuts and small gestures of mutual likeness. He won't get you roses, but carnations instead. He might have his heart in the right place and truly not be able to tell the difference, but he sure can read the prices and the carnations just look so much more vibrant above the price tag with the smaller dollar amount on it.

He won't get your favorite candies, but instead a heart shaped box of chocolates because that's what he saw right when he walked into CVS and that's what was buy one get one (for you and his mama.) He will take you out, but he'll wear his favorite khakis and probably won't leave his baseball cap in the car while you eat. He'll decline dessert because he'll be too full over the hibachi dinner special you just split, but when he grabs your hand absentmindedly while driving home you'll realize you didn't really need anything else other than exactly what you got.

3. The Joey Tribbiani

With this date you're guaranteed to have a lot of laughs. You can tell he has a good heart, but truly all he wants is one thing. It's the thing your dad warns you about when you go on your first date in high school, and then hints at every time he visits your college apartment. He'll probably order a pizza to his messily picked up apartment and offer you a bottle of beer from an already opened pack in his fridge.

You won't necessarily hate this rendezvous, but you might hate yourself a little bit for not seeing it coming since you've paid for almost everything you two have done together for the past two months. You'll watch a shitty war movie on Hulu and sit stone-still until he falls asleep. As you gather your stuff to sneak out, you figure you'll send him a thank you text in the morning until you see the 'free pizza' coupon he used on the counter.

4. The Noah Calhoun

Ah, here he is. The man of our dreams. Sure, he's stubborn and beyond frustrating but the one thing he fights for more than anything is you. He'll be willing to build you your own plantation home by hand with those wrap-around porches you always wanted, but for now he'll bring you your favorite flowers right to your door in the middle of the day. They'll have a card stuffed inside of them written on notebook paper where he tells you every way he's grateful for you and prepares you for a night you won't forget.

He'll pick you up ten minutes early just because he couldn't wait any longer to be with you, but he won't mind that you need another thirty to get ready. He'll walk on the outside of the street to protect you from the dangers of the road and his eyes won't leave yours the whole night. You might ask yourself why he doesn't showcase this 'best-self' every single day (because you can never escape your self-destructive thoughts am I right) but then you'll be so happy he doesn't because it wouldn't mean as much right now.

At the end of the day, most of us have somewhat of a combination of all four of these nights in one. It might not be everything Anastasia Steele or Allie Hamilton are experiencing, but we have to remember to be thankful for what we can get ladies. Also, let's try to remember this Valentine's day that it is a couple's holiday and we should do some special stuff for our man too. And if you're just kicking it with your girls-- go off.

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