Where You Need To Travel To In 2020, Based On Your Enneagram
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Here's Where You Should Travel To Next In 2020, Based On Your Enneagram Type

FYI: A Type 6 and a Type 7 would NEVER enjoy the same vacay.

Here's Where You Should Travel To Next In 2020, Based On Your Enneagram Type

I am a self-professed queen of personality tests: adding letters behind my name like degrees. Ravenclaw, INFP, Aries.

Sometime last year, I started seeing people add numbers to their Instagram bios, 2, 7w8. I had to know what it was all about, and so I stumbled upon the Enneagram Test.

The Enneagram can be seen as a set of nine distinct personality types. It is common to find a little of yourself in all nine of the types, but one of them should stand out as being the one you see yourself in the most.

This is your basic personality type. I took the Enneagram test and discovered I am a 4. (If you haven't taken the test yet, find out your type here!).

Does the Enneagram translate to travel? Of course it does!

Understanding your personality tendencies and growth opportunities can equip you to make decisions that both bring you joy and challenge you — like, where to take your next vacation!

Whether you're a 4 looking to live out your dream, a 6 itching to escape your day-to-day, or a 9 day-dreaming of a peaceful getaway, we've got you covered!

Type 1: The Reformer

Type 1s are rational, idealistic, and self-controlled. You usually do well when your vacation has a purpose or a theme.

Destination: Toledo, Spain

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Toledo is a medieval town surrounded by the Tagus River. The city is also known as the City of Three Cultures due to the influence of the Christians, Muslims, and Jews over the course of its history. You'll explore the alleys of this truly medieval town with stunning views.

Type 2: The Helper

Type 2s are wired to care for others, so you may feel best when your vacations can make a positive impact on the world around you. Just remember: Don't get too hung up on making sure everyone else is taken care of – pause to simply enjoy everything around you, too!

Destination:Cuzco, Peru

Not only can you enjoy the amazing ancient city of Machu Picchu, but you can work on making a difference here too. There are many volunteer-based travel programs that come to Peru as well, such as this one offered by The GREEN Program. This program allows you to explore the wonders Peru has to offer, but students also participate in developing sustainable implementations with a local elementary school and make an effort to raise global awareness of sustainable water practices.

Type 3: The Achiever

Type 3s are success-oriented, adaptable, personable and driven. Go get inspired!

Travel somewhere that lets you dream of doing big things. Make sure to allow yourself to enjoy and process everything you're experiencing without needing to perform, post, or produce.

Destination:Costa Rica

There's a million things to do in Costa Rica that can satisfy whatever drives you. If you like animals, try eco tours.

If you like the beach, take a surfing class or lounge by the coast.

If the city excites you, check out the capital.

If you're an adrenaline junkie, try ziplining or hike to the volcano. The only limit here is your imagination!

Type 4: The Individualist

Type 4s are expressive, creative, and dramatic.

You want to experience the fulfillment of beauty, art, and creativity on vacation.

Lots of 4s are accomplished solo travelers because they want to do what they want to do when they want to do it. Head to a place with rich culture and a vibrant setting where you can get lost in the beauty of everything around you!

Destination: Santorini, Greece

Travel to the land where the myths you love were born. Visit the ancient ruins or simply stare out over the expansive, blue sea. Reflect on your journey as you watch a stunning sunset.

Type 5: The Investigator

Type 5s are perceptive and innovative. Always looking for new ways to grow intellectually and creatively, you would thrive somewhere that challenges you.

Destination:Beijing, China

There is so much history to soak up in China. Plan on visiting the Forbidden City or the Great Wall of China.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Type 6s are engaging and responsible. You can be cautious at best, and suspicious and anxious at worst, so your most fulfilling vacation is one where you feel secure and can still have a good time.

Destination:Reykjavík, Iceland

Retaining the top spot on the Global Peace Index for the fifth year running, Iceland is the world's safest country to travel to. Plus, there's so much natural beauty here to explore.

Depending on the time of year, you may also catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights!

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Type 7s are spontaneous and versatile. You want to do everything, everywhere, all the time. It's no secret that you love fun, so head somewhere where fun is built in!

Destination:Galway, Ireland

Galway is said to be one of Ireland's most engaging cities. Year-long events mark the Galway region's role as a 2020 European Capital of Culture – the city's calendar is as packed with activity as the bars are with locals on a Saturday night. If you want to get out of Galway, never fear. Ireland has plenty of parties and plenty of other attractions to run off to.

Type 8: The Challenger

Eights are self-confident, decisive, and unafraid of challenges. You do well traveling alone. Find a spot that compliments your intensity and passion!

Destination:Patagonia, Chile

The region of Patagonia feels like a test lab for adventure with its coasts, glaciers, mountains, lakes, rivers, grasslands, fjords, and rain forests. You'll also have the chance to experience two very different cultures (Chile and Argentina) and a wide range of activities.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Type 9s are easygoing and receptive. Head somewhere with peaceful, stunning scenery and an easygoing vibe.

Destination: Bali, Indonesia

Bali is an island known for its forested volcanic mountains, beaches and coral reefs. The island is home to religious sites, lively bars, and popular resorts. It's also known for yoga and meditation retreats. Bring yourself peace of mind while among beautiful people, amazing food, and breathtaking views.

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