3. "Tonight (I’m Lovin’ You)/Dilliwaali Girlfriend" — Penn Masala | The Odyssey Online
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12 Songs That Irreparably Derailed My Life

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12 Songs That Irreparably Derailed My Life
Nisha Sen

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Music is a bit of a magical language. It manages to touch people's lives and gives them something to live for, love, and something that just changes their lives for the better. Here are 12 songs I discovered (and rediscovered) this past year that made me look at life in a different way.

1. "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" — Green Day

This bop is a good nine years old at this point, but it's still a classic. Listen to this for all the nostalgic feels you've ever wanted—from the familiar guitar riff played all the way through to the simply 'good ol'' memory inducing lyrics.

2. "Dear Maria, Count Me In" — All Time Low

Another oldie! This one's been out for about 10 years now. This throwback tells a story and features an upbeat feel that just makes you sing along, regardless of whether you know the song or not.

3. "Tonight (I’m Lovin’ You)/Dilliwaali Girlfriend" — Penn Masala

A comparatively new arrangement from 2015, this song mashes up "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)" by Enrique Iglesias, "Balam Pichkari," and "Dilliwaali Girlfriend," two Bollywood songs from the movie "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani." This brilliant remake of the songs is performed by Penn Masala, the World's First South Asian A Cappella Group. You'll be nodding your head along to this one, even if you don't know Hindi!

4. "Genius" — LSD (Sia, Diplo & Labrinth)

Fresh from 2018, "Genius" is presented by Labrinth, Sia, and Diplo (together, LSD). I've been listening to this song on repeat since it came out on May 3, and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. The music video is as much of a masterpiece as the song, and it ties the song together while helping to fashion a style for LSD's music.

5. "Old Fashioned" — Panic! At The Disco

Straight off of "Pray For the Wicked," Panic! At The Disco's newest album, "Old Fashioned," is one of the catchiest songs that's been released this year. The style changes and wide instrumentation within the song paired with Brendon Urie's resonant voice make this a song you won't want to miss.

6. "River" — Bishop Briggs

"River," released in 2016, has a laid-back but insistent feel to it that keeps you hooked. I recently rediscovered and fell in love with this song after SandyRedd's audition on "The Voice."

7. "Avalanche" — FLETCHER

Released on her self-titled EP, "FLETCHER," "Avalanche" combines a series of percussive beats with her uniquely pure, deep, and rich voice as she tells a story of taking your time to fall in love.

8. "Thinking About It (Let It Go)" — Nathan Goshen, KVR

I discovered this song after watching Ally Hills cover it and immediately fell in love with both versions.

9. "Found/Tonight" — Ben Platt, Lin-Manuel Miranda

Ben Platt and Lin-Manuel Miranda teamed up to perform this mashup of two classic tracks from "Hamilton" and "Dear Evan Hansen," giving a portion of the proceeds from the song to the March For Our Lives Initiative. If you haven't heard this masterpiece yet, you need to. Right now. Click the link.

10. "Make Up" — The Script

A personal favorite of mine, "Make Up" tells a classic tale of loving and accepting yourself, regardless of how you look, how you feel, or who you are. The song falls on the side of instrumentally bare, but the basic background for Daniel O'Donoghue keeps the song intimate and emotional.

11. "Wrong" — Ally Hills

An original by YouTuber Ally Hills, "Wrong" is deftly put together to highlight her low-range, full voice. The ending of the song highlights a complete style shift, but gives the song a heart-wrenchingly appropriate close.

12. "I Believe You" — FLETCHER

Back with FLETCHER again, but this time with her newest single, "I Believe You." Through this piece, FLETCHER tells the soul stirring story felt by every sexual assault victim. She assures every victim that they have a place in this world, that they will come out from this tragedy stronger than ever, and that they are believed. A portion of the proceeds from this song were donated to Time's Up for Women's History Month.

Happy listening!

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