Top 8 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Twins | The Odyssey Online
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Top 8 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Twins

Yes, We're Identical.

Top 8 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Twins
Catherine Hensley's Personal Photo

There's a handful of questions my twin sister and I always get asked. Here are a few of these misconceptions debunked, and a bit about what it is like to be an identical twin...

1. We don't feel each other's pain.

Unfortunately, this isn't true. I would love to know anytime my sister was hurting--I would be on top of it it two seconds flat. But, no--we don't have a telepathic link, and I can't tell if you pinch her. Sorry?

2. We no longer have our own language.

My parents say we had one for a short time when we were toddlers. Picture the video of the babies in diapers "goo-goo-gaa-gaa-ing" at each other (I'm absolutely positive we were just as funny). You get the picture.

3. We were a nightmare to raise.

If you know twins, and ever get the pleasure to meet their parents....Give them a hug. And a thank you. And maybe a glass of wine. They have done a great service to the world, and are basically superhuman. They put up with insane shenanigans (multiplied by two), my favorite was a spitting contest between my sister and me which was discovered by my parents when they squished into the floor when trying to get us that morning.

4. I don't want to kiss my sister or do anything with her and you ever. It will never happen--don't even think about it..

I think this only needs to be said because I'm in college and around 21-year-old males. But, good Lord, no.

5. We are so different.

This isn't a universal truth; some twins do happen to have more similar personalities than my sister and me. Nonetheless, twins always have two separate identities. Unlike Andy and Ollie in "Bob's Burgers," I love doing things by myself and have an awesome friend group apart from my sister--and the same goes for her! Get to know each twin individually, and they will love you even more for it.

6. She is one of the most important people in my life.

No matter what, even if we are incredibly far apart or haven't been able to chat as much as we like, my twin is one of the most important people in my life--and she always will be. If you are friends with one twin, spend time with and get to know the other. We will be better friends for it, because she is an integral part of who I am.

7. We always have a best friend.

Being a twin is a gift, in the truest sense of the world. My sister and I know almost everything there is to know about each other, and have been there through every difficult period of both of our lives. We can tease each other as much as we want, but if you ever talk badly about my sister I will literally punch you in the face. I've never had someone who had my back like she does; she is an unwavering ally and confidant. Not to mention, no one on the planet makes me laugh or knows my sense of humor better then she does.

8. Yes, I am so lucky to have a twin.

I know. My sister is my best friend on the face of the planet, and also one of the coolest humans to ever exist. I am so, so lucky.

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