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Nature Animals

10 Tips To Make Your Betta Fish Fall In Love With You

Your fish will absolutely love you with these tips and tricks

10 Tips To Make Your Betta Fish Fall In Love With You
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Betta fish is one of the few pets allowed by most college dorms. They're small, generally easy to care for, and above all else are lively, beautiful fish full of personality. If you decide to take on the responsibility of caring for one or are considering it, this list will reveal the secrets to a happy and healthy fish.

10. Properly Sized Home

The above image depicts my baby Pluto's home, which is 3 gallons.

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Betta fish do NOT belong in bowls. The minimum size requirement for a betta is 2.5 gallons. Betta fish require certain items in their homes and too small of a container doesn't offer sufficient space for everything required. Before you say it, Yes, sometimes the rivers bettas live in the wild dry up and their forced to live in puddles. Yet, this is generally temporary and is not long term. Besides, just because betta can survive doesn't mean they'll thrive. If you're taking care of living creature you should want the best for them. The best begins with getting them properly sized home.

9. Invest in a Heater

Pluto's heater

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Betta fish are tropical fish. So naturally, their ideal temperature is fairly warm at 78-80 degrees. Investing in a heater makes sure their living in a comfortable environment and ensures their happiness.

8. Invest in a Filter

Pluto swimming by his filter

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Be careful! Make sure the filter you get is low current because a betta's large fins cause them to be poor swimmers in strong currents. Filters are important to control water quality and deter the growth of potentially harmful bacteria.

7. Marimo Balls

Pluto's pal

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These moss ball companions make wonderful friends for your finny pal. They're soft and make good relaxing areas for your betta when they get tired and need to rest. They have a symbiotic relationship as betta waste fertilizes the moss ball and moss balls help keep the tank clean.

6. Silk Plants

Pluto's silk plant

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Many bettas have long beautiful fins. Yet, as a consequence, their fins can easily get caught on sharp décor and hard plastic which results in a torn fin. To minimize the risk of this happening, get décor with no sharp edges and silk plants.

5. Bacteria Supplements

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To ensure the ph balance and water quality is good, get some bacteria supplements for the water. Healthy water ensures your betta will be happier.

4. Include a Hide

Pluto's hidey hole

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Betta fish need to feel secure in their home. One way to build a sense of security for your fish is to include at least one hide in their home. Make sure you feel the hide for any sharp edges before purchasing it.

3. Stress Zyme

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Stress Zyme has a ton of healthy bacteria that'll help ease the stress and anxiety of your beloved fish.

2. Varied Diet

Pictured is Pluto's pellets; Not pictured is his frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms

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To maximize your fish's health feed him a varied diet of pellets and frozen food. Frozen food contains raw nutrients not easily obtained in pellets and pellets balance out the diet. Yes, your betta can live exclusively on pellets but frozen food is a nice treat and a good supplement.

1. Home is ideally heavily planted

Pluto playing hide 'n go seek

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Security is a big thing for bettas. Their natural home is heavily planted with plenty of places to hide. As a responsible pet owner you'll want to recreate the same feeling of safety as they'll find in the wild.

Hopefully, you learned something about the wellbeing and happiness of our finny friends. They deserve the best, and as their owners, we owe it to them.

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