3. "Wannabe" - Spice Girls - 1996 | The Odyssey Online
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35 Songs You Need On Your Ultimate Throwback Playlist

A list of bops from the 90s and 2000s, to bring back the memories and keep the good times rolling.


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We all remember the feeling of our iPod in our hands, earbuds in our ears, jamming to songs from the iconic era of the 90s and 2000s. The next time you or your friends are feeling nostalgic, pop in your ~airpods~ and have a listen. Here's to great memories and even greater music.

1. "It Wasn't Me" - Shaggy ft. RIKROK - 2010

2. "Bye Bye Bye" - NSYNC - 2000

3. "Wannabe" - Spice Girls - 1996

4. "Umbrella" - Rihanna ft. Jay Z- 2007

5. "Sk8r Boi" - Avril Lavigne - 2002

6. "Hollaback Girl" - Gwen Stefani - 2004

7. "Crazy In Love" - Beyonce ft. Jay Z - 2003

8. "Gold Digger" - Kanye West - 2005

9. "Beautiful Girls" - Sean Kingston - 2007

Sean Kingston's official music video for 'Beautiful Girls'. Click to listen to Sean Kingston on Spotify:

10. "Cry Me A River" - Justin Timberlake - 2002

11. "Ignition" - R. Kelly - 2003

12. "1,2 Step" - Ciara ft. Missy Elliott - 2004

13. "Hips Don't Lie" - Shakira - 2005

14. "Ms. Jackson" - OutKast - 2000

15. "Ride With Me" - Nelly - 2000

16. "I Want It That Way" - Backstreet Boys - 1999

17. "Ridin' Dirty" - Chamillionare - 2010

Music video by Chamillionaire performing Ridin'. (C) 2005 Universal Records a division of UMG Recordings Inc.

18. "Get Low" (Clean Version) - Lil John & The East Side Boys - 2002

19. "Yeah!" - Usher - 2015

20. "Dynamite" - Taio Cruz - 2009

21. "Genie In A Bottle" - Christina Aguilera - 1999


22. "The Real Slim Shady" - Eminem - 2000

23. "Fergalicious" - Fergie ft. Will.i.am - 2006

24. "Temperature" - Sean Paul - 2006

25. "Price Tag" - Jessie J ft. B.o.B. - 2011

26. "Bad Day" - Daniel Powter - 2005

27. "Year 3000" - Jonas Brothers - 2006


28. "Promiscuous" - Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland- 2006

29. "Empire State of Mind" - Alicia Keys & Jay Z - 2009

30. "Don't Cha" - The Pussycat Dolls ft. Busta Rhymes - 2005


31. "Lonely" - Akon - 2005

32. "Party In the USA" - Miley Cyrus - 2009

33. "Hey Ya!" - OutKast - 2003


34. "No Air" - Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown - 2007

35. "Leave" (Get Out) - JoJo - 2004

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