3. Chinatown's Chinese New Year Parade | The Odyssey Online
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8 Places You Should Know About When Visiting San Francisco

Some of the slightly less known places in the city by the bay.

8 Places You Should Know About When Visiting San Francisco
Julia Smoot

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If you are planning to make the trip out to the beautiful, and sometimes sunny, San Francisco, then I am your gal! After growing up in the Bay Area for the last 18 years, I know a place or two that captures this cities uniqueness and beauty from all angles.

1. Marin Headlands

View of the Golden Gate Bridge from Marin Headlands.

Julia smoot

Technically outside of the city and across the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge, the views from this place are unforgettable. There is so much to see from this perspective and it is an amazing way to see the whole city.

2. Haight-Ashbury

Jammin on Haight. The one of a kind tie-dye store.

Julia Smoot

One of the more "hippie vibe" locations of San Francisco. This one is my personal favorite, with all of the cool shops, cool people, and golden gate park right next door. Home to rock bands such as The Grateful Dead and a big part of the Summer of Love, this street has a lot of history.

3. Chinatown's Chinese New Year Parade

One of the dragons in the Chinese New Year Parade.

Julia Smoot

This is something that my friends and I have made a tradition to go to every year. The parade is absolutely amazing and so much fun to watch!

4. Lands End and Sutro Baths

Lands End Trail

Julia Smoot

These two happen to right next to each other, and both are very worth seeing. Lands end gives you great views of the bay and the Golden Gate Bride, with good hikes and trails. Sutro Baths are whats left of the old public pools in San Francisco, and they are super cool to see!

5. SF MoMA

View from MoMA top

This art museum is funky, interesting and very (you guessed it) modern. If you are into art and looking to spend an hour or two somewhere, this would be the place.

6. Earth Day Festival

Community Painted Wall at the Earth Day Festival

Julia Smoot

Out of the many festivals that take place in the city, this has to be one of my favorite. With live music, booths selling cool one of a kind things and information on how we can work to save the planet, I would give this festival a 10/10.

7. Golden Gate Park

Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park

Julia Smoot

I couldn't even begin to go into detail about how many things there are to do in Golden Gate Park. The De Young Museum, California Academy of Sciences, Conservatory of Flowers, Outside Lands, Live Music, Festivals, Art Shows and so much more. This is definitely one of my favorite places in San Fran of all time.

8.Twin Peaks

View from Twin Peaks

Julia Smoot

The trip to the top of this place is a quite the drive, but definitely worth it. I was amazed by the view the first time I ever went up there. It is a whole other perspective to see the city from, and it is absolutely amazing. Would not recommend going on a foggy day though.

These are just a few of the many stunning places in the city by the bay. I probably would not be able to put into words how amazing each place is.

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