15 Things To Do In Isolation
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15 Things To Do In Isolation

Stay home and have a good time.

15 Things To Do In Isolation
Photo by Jesse Roberts on Unsplash

We all have come to the point where we are absolutely bored in our house. We've already cleaned out our closets, baked a dessert we found on Tik Tok at 3:00 A.M., went for a walk, and bothered our siblings. Now, what is there to do? Thankfully, I have created this list of 15 things you can do during this time of social isolation to keep you from going mad.

Do a puzzle.

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash

Puzzles are the absolute worst. They are not only tedious, but frustrating. During this time, though, they are time consuming and can be enjoyable. If you don't have a physical puzzle, even online applications will do!

Build a fort...in your house!

Photo by begoña merino on Unsplash

Let your inner child shine and build a fort. Think back, the year is 2003, and you're ready to build a fort with your brothers and sisters. You line up the stools and grab every blanket and pillow in your house that you can find. Your mom is frustrated, but you don't care. Get cozy, set up some lights, and stream Tiger King in your very own fort.

Dust off your old instrument!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Whether it is the Yamaha recorder you were forced to buy in fourth grade or the flute that is collecting dust at the top of your closet, break it out and make some music! Not only is it time consuming, but during this time you can get back into your love of music. Bonus points if you manage to drive everyone in your house insane.

Start a historically inaccurate journal.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Release your inner drama queen! Now, you are the historian, documenting your thoughts and feelings during this pandemic. People will read about this one day, and you want your entries to own the spotlight! Write about how you are in agonizing pain because it's day thirteen of not leaving your house. Describe the feeling of suffocation as your sister comes into your room to bother you for the fourth time that day.

Play video games... but maybe not the Nintendo Switch.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Thanks to a mixture of Animal Crossing and this pandemic, Nintendo Switches are currently sold out, so thanks a lot. Fortunately, if you do own one, I recommend playing! It is a fun way to pass the time and hurt your eyeballs as you are staying indoors. Whether it's Luigi's Mansion or Zelda, on the Xbox or DS, sit down, relax, and crush your enemies to pass the time!

Bother your cat.

Photo by Mikhail Vasilyev on Unsplash

Our cats bother us all the time. Now that we are home more often and disrupting their scheduled peace and quiet, we have the perfect opportunity to invade their space and annoy them. Obviously, don't go too far, but even approaching your cat and whispering into their ear provides hours of entertainment. Seriously, the look of annoyance will bring you and those around you entertainment.

Put on the Game Show Network and play along.

Photo by Adrien Ledoux on Unsplash

I know, we are all currently exhausted from laying on the couch and doing nothing, but watching the Game Show Network adds a little light to just watching t.v. Play along with the contestants of Family Feud or Cash Cab and see how you hold up!

Paint or draw.

Nichole Doty

Even if you are no Picasso, painting and drawing can still be fun and time consuming. I suck, but I've been getting enjoyment just sitting down and dedicating my time to creating anything. My boyfriend just painted his cat graduating kindergarten grade, so really, the options are limitless.

Download Tik Tok.

Photo by Benjaminrobyn Jespersen on Unsplash

They should be paying me for free promotion. Anyway, downloading Tik Tok will really help you pass the hours. Most of it is pretty cringey content, but there are some Vine-like gems on there that will have you dying of laughter.

Bake something you've never made before.

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

I just made rice pudding from a recipe I found online for the first time in my life, which has me feeling like a master chef. Find a recipe online, compare with what you have in your pantry, and bake up a concoction!

Practice some self-care!

Photo by Uby Yanes on Unsplash

Now is the perfect time to keep up or start a routine. We can feel as though we are stuck in a rut from constantly laying around in our pajamas. Try and get yourself up, showered, and spend time on you. Brush your teeth twice a day, bust out those sheet masks, put on anything other than your old t-shirt and sweatpants, and treat yourself!

January 1st, 2020...

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Did you create a magnificently long course of action plan for your New Year's resolution that disappeared within two weeks? As long as your resolution can be completed in the comfort of your own home, there is no time like the present, literally, to pick it back up! Whether it's reaching for the oatmeal instead of cereal or doing yoga in your bedroom, there is still time left to not completely abandon ship!

Get nostalgic!

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Whether it's going through the box your mom keeps in the top of a closet in the hallway, watching movies from the 90's, or going through childhood photos, now is the time to get nostalgic! We are all wishing we could rewind or fast forward to better times already, so why not take that trip down memory lane?

Binge watch addicting shows.

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

This may seem obvious, yet it really does work. Between the four seasons of Jersey shore I have watched nonstop in the past two weeks or Law and Order: SVU, time is flying by! I recommend watching docu-series or a show you told yourself you'd never watch like Love Island or the Bachelor for time to melt away.

Change up your look.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

I have been seriously contemplating shaving my eyebrows. No one will see you the next few months, anyways, so why not experiment and try something new? Whether you change your hair color, shave your head, or play with makeup, the world is your oyster!

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