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13 Things You Can Always Go To Your Mom For

She's your best friend and biggest supporter all wrapped in one.

13 Things You Can Always Go To Your Mom For
Photo by Rustic Vegan on Unsplash

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My mom is my biggest supporter, and my best friend. I tell her everything and I can go to her for anything. I always feel bad when I meet people who don't have a great relationship with their mom, or she has since passed on because I couldn't imagine not having my mom in my life. So, here are 13 things I can go to my mom for.

1. Reassurance

If you're having doubts about yourself or school, she can always remind you you're doing amazing and your hardest. And just those couple of sentences can really improve your mental health and confidence in yourself.

2. Perspective

You may think the world is against you or an assignment is the hardest thing you've ever done, but she's there to tell you that you've made it this far. That this is just another road bump on your journey, and you will get through this.

3. A hug

Over the summer and breaks, I always make sure to catch up on the missed hugs during the school year. Sometimes all you need is a hug from your mom, and it helps just the right amount.

4. A venting session

Whether it's about a class or professor, a friend or classmate, or anything in-between, she is just a phone call away. She'll even offer up tips to get through it and how to deal with these issues.

5. Love

This one goes without saying, but she's always there to offer you love and affection. But it definitely helps when she tells you she loves you when you're going through a hard time.

6. A distraction

If you need to distance yourself from school or people, she is down to help distract your mind. You could see a movie together or play board games and just spend time together.

7. Help

If you are short on money or need a drive someplace and your car is in the shop, she's willing to help you out. Or if you just need help with your school assignments, you now you can count on her to help you as much as she can.

8. A funny anecdote

If you need to laugh, I bet your mom has some funny childhood or work story that will raise your spirits. Plus, you get to reminisce about your younger years and hear about her day.

9. Advice

If you need boy advice or school advice or drama advice, your mom knows how to handle it all. Most likely she will tell you exactly what you need to hear, and everything will be right in the world again.

10. A shopping spree

Mothers love shopping with their daughters, it's the perfect time to bond and spend the day together. I hate shopping, but I am always down to shop with my mom. Just having her there makes the experience really enjoyable.

11. Go get lunch together

On a boring Saturday or lazy Sunday, invite your mom to a nice lunch. Tell her to pick the place and you'll treat, and it'll be an amazing afternoon. Not only do you get to eat something you don't normally eat, but you'll also get to spend time with your mom.

12. Make dinner together

The next time Mom's in the kitchen, volunteer to help her out. Not only will she appreciate the initiative, but you'll also learn how to make a meal for yourself. Sounds like a win-win to me.

13. Have a spa day

It could be as simple as doing face masks at home or as fancy as getting manicures but having a nice relaxing spa day with your mom is super fun. I have done both with my mom, and I've had a great time during both.

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