My childhood was always a bit different from everybody else's growing up with a single mom, but in the Latino culture, my mom always had something to tell me. Your mom probably said the same things, too.
"Hay comida en casa" (There's food at home)
If you're ever out with your mom and are really craving a fast-food place or to eat at any other restaurant, chances are you are not going to eat there.
Latino moms will always tell you that there's food at home even when there's not.
"Te comes lo que hay" ( You have to eat what there is)
Being a picky eater is not an option in a Latino household.
Whatever they put in front of your plate, that's what you have to eat! There's definitely no escaping from that.
"Que te hago si lo encuentro yo" (The things that I would do to you if I find it)
Yep, we have all been in that situation where we can't find something and ask our mom where it is.
But, for some reason when we look for it, we can't find it anywhere.
If you tell this to your Latino mom, she has most likely threatened you in some way shape or form, telling you that she will do something to you if she finds it!
Most of the time, were fearing for our lives and praying to God that she doesn't find the thing we're looking for.
"O limpias o no sales" ( You have to clean or else, you're not going out)
If you have a Latino friend and for some reason they don't hang out with you that day, its most likely because their mom didn't allow them to.
Certain house chores must be completed for a Latino mom to let you go out and if the house is not clean, she will keep you until the place is spotless.
"Te lo tragas por que no me lo regalanĀ ( You have to eat it because I don't get it for free)
This relates to number 2 in the list over the topic of picky-eating not being optional in a Latino household. Latino parents work hard to feed their children and they make sure that you know that!
"Solo cuando tengas hijos vas a entender" ( You're only going to understand when you have children of your own)
This one is kind of self-explanatory!
Latino parents believe that you will only understand why they do the things they do when you become a parent yourself.
"Ven aqui que no te voy a hacer nada" ( Come here because I am not going to do anything to you)
This was most likely said when you locked yourself somewhere or hid yourself from your mom, so that way you didn't receive a whoopin' from her.
But, when you began trusting her and approaching her with caution, she most likely had a "chancla" hidden in her back to spank you with----this is why most Latino kids grow up with trust issues.
"Te calmas o te calmo" ( Either you calm down, or I'll calm you down)
If you're crying for what your mom believes is an invalid reason, then they for sure will give you a reason to cry for if you don't calm down.