Adulting describes acting like an adult in activities that are associated with being an adult. These include responsibilities and boring tasks. Being in college involves quite a lot of adulting. Sometimes we are not ready to take on such tasks and sometimes we don't want to be real people. Here are the struggles of adulting.
1. Grocery shopping.
So you have to go grocery shopping to buy food to cook, to just end up ordering Chinese food.
2. Emptying the trash.
Just going to stuff this bag until it is no longer possible.
3. Going to bed at a reasonable time.
The idea is to be in bed at 9:30 to bed asleep by 10...5 episodes on Netflix later.
4. Doing dishes.
Paper plates it is.
5. Having no one to stop you from buying dumb things.
Mom...I need you to tell me no. My bank account hates me.
6. Realizing you can not go out weeknights.
Why am I also doing homework and why am I always in meetings?
7. Trying to cook.
Those Facebook videos sound delicious, but there is no way you can pull that off.
8. Attempting to look presentable.
You probably end up spilling something on your new clothes and go back to wearing leggings and a t-shirt.
9. When people around your age start to get married and have kids.
Excuse me, what?
10. Realizing that you have no idea what you are doing.
Fake it 'till you make it.