Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how I got to the point in my life I am at currently. Without hesitation, what automatically comes to mind is my parents.
Without a doubt, I think it is clear we owe a lot to them, but recently, I have come to notice the lack of “thank yous" I’ve actually spoken directly to them. If we took a few seconds every now and then to look our parents in the eyes and actually say those two words, I know for a fact it would mean the absolute world to them.
Our parents love us to death, and as we get older, they appreciate little gestures and acts of love so much more. Just to know we still care and appreciate everything they have done for us is what can seriously make their day in an instant.
Personally, my friends sometimes struggle to comprehend why my parents and I have such an incredibly close relationship, and why I, at 18 years old, choose to drive home and go out to dinner and spend the night at home with my parents a lot of weekends, rather than going out to a college party. What I always try to explain to people is that they aren’t just my “parents” that I love hanging out with, they’re my best friends and biggest supporters all in one.
Thank your parents for all the little things they do. If it wasn't for them, we absolutely would not be the people we are today, and most of us would not be in college. Two words, eight letters, one short phrase; I promise you it can make the biggest difference in the world.