The 19 Best Moments Of Severus Snape | The Odyssey Online
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The 19 Best Moments Of Severus Snape

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The 19 Best Moments Of Severus Snape

Severus Snape was perhaps the most hated and loved characters of the entire Harry Potter series. We enjoyed his outright detest for Gryffindor, his unwavering loyalty to protecting Lily's son, and his ability to be the meanest Potion's Master Hogwarts has ever known. Here are some of his most beloved moments that nearly every Potterhead can quote.

1. The iconic moment when he asked the class to turn to page 394

2. When he was straight up done with Hermione Granger’s attitude and took 5 points from Gryffindor.

3.When he asks Harry to tell the difference between an Inferiors and a ghost.

4. Catching Harry with the Marauder's Map.

5. When Umbridge inspects Snape’s Potion’s Class and inquires about his inability to obtain the Defense Against the Dark Arts post.

6. The sassiest shrugg the world has ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

7. When he became Neville’s boggart. Great fashion sense Severus.

8. The times he would whack Ron and Harry on the head.

9. Absolutely perfect.

10. Ah yes, let’s roll up our sleeves for this one.

11. Not putting up with Ron and Harry’s pathetic excuses.

12. When he put Lockhart in his freaking place.

13. The 37 pauses it took to properly say “Our… new… ce-le-bri-ty.”

14. His Patronus.

15. When he protects the children even if he doesn’t like them very much.

18. The reveal that he is the Half-Blood Prince.

17. When he leads Harry to the Sword of Gryffindor.

18. The entire moment in the Pensive of his and Lily’s friendship and how Harry learns how much Snape loved his mother.

19. Always.

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