Thanksgiving Break Explained By Jimmy Fallon | The Odyssey Online
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Thanksgiving Break Explained By Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon breaks down the highs and lows of Thanksgiving break.

Thanksgiving Break Explained By Jimmy Fallon

Thanksgiving break is upon us! Since most of us haven't been home since midterm break, we are overly excited about going home for Thanksgiving! Here are the best (and worst) things about going home for Thanksgiving break as told by Jimmy Fallon:

1. Realizing that you don't have to do your own laundry or cooking for almost a whole week

2. Seeing your dog and crying uncontrollably

3. Eating an endless amount of Thanksgiving food and feeling no shame

4. Witnessing drama between family members at Thanksgiving dinner

5. When someone makes a rude comment during Thanksgiving dinner

6. When your family asks if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend

7. When your Mom asks how your grades are looking

8. Seeing your friends from high school

9. Realizing you actually needed to do homework over break

10. Thinking about your finals that are coming up

11. Saying goodbye to your parents before going back to school

12. Realizing that winter break is less than one month away

And just in case you can't get enough of Jimmy, here are some Thanksgiving themed videos:

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