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13 Taylor Swift Songs That Show How Much She Really Gets Us

Who hasn't had to shake off the haters?

13 Taylor Swift Songs That Show How Much She Really Gets Us

We have watched Taylor Swift grow from a Country Pop Princess to a full-blown Pop Queen. She has written songs to make us cry, laugh, and plot our revenge. Most of us really did grow up with Taylor. It seemed like with every new album, there is at least one song (if not more) that somehow puts into words exactly how we are feeling. There is always a song for every single mood. So, Taylor, we (your humble citizens) bow down and thank you.

1. "Ours"

"People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine"

Though this song is basically telling the haters of this relationship to "screw off", this lyric is something everyone has related to. No matter what phase of your life you are in, people are going to try and put you down. But you must shine on.

2. "Starlight"

"Look At You, Worrying So Much About Things You Can't Change..You'll Spend You'll Spend Your Whole Life Singing The Blues If You Keep Thinking That Way"

This song is so catchy, really it is. But, lets follow this trend of positive songs (because we all need it sometimes). This song is called Starlight for a reason. So, be the starlight. See more then just the black and white and shine on.

3. "Fearless"

"You Take My Hand And Drag Me Head First, Fearless"

Okay, so this song is also about love. It's about how your love, or being in love, can make you fearless. It doesn't make you worry, or scared. When you are with that person, you are living your best life. Isn't it a great feeling?

4. "Jump Then Fall"

"I Like The Way You Sound In The Morning, We're On The Phone And Without A Warning I Realize Your Laugh Is The Best Sound I Have Ever Heard"

We all know Taylor sings about love, and this is one of the purest songs to me.

5. "Red"

I'm not picking just a lyric for this one. It shows all the ups and downs of a relationship

6. "I Almost Do"

"And I wish I could run to you, and I hope you know that every time I don't, I almost do"

This song is beautiful. Really it is. And this one line is one we have all related to. Whether it be a crush or an ex, everyone at some point in their life will have someone they miss dearly. But they just can't have them

7. "All Too Well"

"And you call me up again just to break me life a promise, so causally cruel in the name of being honest"

This line speaks for itself. Bye.

8. "Begin Again"

"But on a Wednesday in a cafe, I watched it begin again."

The last few lyrics were sad, I get that. But this song, this lyric, it makes sense. You will get over your past, your broken heart. You will find yourself again, and you will move on.

9. "Style"

"We never go out of style"

You and bae.. a new relationship.. yeah, those things are always in style

10. "Bad Blood"

"Because baby, now we got bad blood"

An ex..a friend.. your Prof when they give you a bad grade. Who haven't you had bad blood with? Really, this era of Swift was a change and I, for one, was living for it.

11. "Never Grow Up"

Again, this is a song I can't pick just one life for. This song reminds us to enjoy the simplicity of childhood, and to remember the small things.

12. "New Years Day"

"Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere"

We all have someone we don't want to lose like that. Someone who has been there through it all. Whose laugh we love more than anything.

13. "Long Live"

Long Live Queen Tay, long live

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