I went to sleep hungry for the third time this week. It's not easy being homeless; everyone always giving you dirty looks as if you asked for this kind of life. It's a sad, cruel world; no one to accompany you, nowhere to rest your head at night, no three square meals. Just a bag on your back, and a burden in your heart. My name… is Pablo.
I awoke to the sound of congested traffic; 'living' in a big city it's no surprise. Like a sloth, I got to my feet and packed up the few belongings I had and set off in search of food. As I walked along the pavement of LA, something flapping in the wind caught my eye. Stooping down I picked it up and to my surprise, it was $1!
I hit the jackpot! The only question now was, what to buy with my winnings? I walked to the nearest corner shop and stepped inside; a blast of cool, refreshing air filled my rotting lungs. I glanced around the room. Over in the far corner, I could see the produce section.
I am a potato, and all my days I lie among others, yet still so lonely as if some part of me is not complete. All day long I watch as people walk by and take away one or two of my own, anticipating the day when I too will be taken beyond the open-top crate that surrounds me. Perhaps it is just my odd shape that scares them away, I just hope that someone out there believes that it is what is on the outside that counts.