6 Of The Worst Things To Be Woken By In The Middle of the Night
Sometimes I just want my sleep to be uninterrupted, okay?
1. Having to pee
And then you keep waking up every half hour because your bladder is like NOW but your mind is like "YOU CAN WAIT TIL MORNING GODDAMMIT!"
2. Being sweaty
It's just gross okay? It's the reason I switched to morning showers.
3. Being too cold
Three blankets, your fluffiest socks and a sweatshirt, and still your teeth are chattering
4. Being too hot
This doesn't have to go with being too sweaty. In fact, often times, I'm sweaty when I'm cold, because I curl up in a little ball and all the heat via sweat and when I wake up, I'm even colder than before. But being too hot, especially when you can't sleep without a blanket, sucks.
5. Being stabbed
I've never been stabbed in my sleep before, but it probably isn't very fun.
6. Your mom snoring
It doesn't matter that you're wearing earplugs or that your door is closed and she's at the other end of the hall, you can still hear it, and there is no good solution.