Arts Entertainment
5 Thoughts You've Had If You Have A Summer Job
The dilemma of a summer job.
03 June 2019
Summer jobs are great but let's be real, these are the thoughts that go through your head.
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The dilemma of a summer job.
Summer jobs are great but let's be real, these are the thoughts that go through your head.
Remember, quality over quantity (meaning how many times you'll have to return).
If there's one main stereotype about females, especially those in college, it is that they love to go clothes shopping. I am no exception to that rule, as I love to go to the mall with my friends and buy the perfect pair of curve-fitting jeans or brightly colored blouse. Every time I come home with new clothing, my gram just looks at me and asks how much it costs.
Gram and I got into a discussion one day about why I buy name-brand clothing when I could just go to Walmart or Target and get the same thing for less. I didn't have an answer. I just knew that I liked clothes from the mall or outlets better. After thinking about her question for a bit, I came to a conclusion that I think many girls can relate to. Allow me to explain.
We all know the struggle of having $4 to your name, so here are some easy and simple ways to avoid it.
There is a huge difference between being broke in general and being broke in college. It's one thing if you live at home and you don't have money because your parents pay the bills and they have food for you to eat. College, on the other hand, is a whole different story. Being broke in college means you can't do your laundry (for those in a dorm), you have to skip meals, and you basically are stuck in your apartment/dorm and can't go out.
Here are some tips and tricks that have helped me save my money!
Okay, you heard me. You read this first tip and you probably already want to exit out of this article. But seriously, do not eat out whatsoever. If you do, maybe allow yourself a limit. Eat out once every two weeks or once every month. Another trick is to set yourself an allowance for how much money you can eat out with a month. Even if it's $20 a month, that's better than eating out five times a week. The biggest and best tip is to go grocery shopping. Load up on food that will last long. Don't be that college student that lives off chips. Buy pasta! Pasta is so cheap, Walmart sells a 3 pound box of pasta for about $5.
This one is important. So many of my friends blow through their money or their allowance because they go out multiple times a week. First, you have to pay cover, then you pay for Ubers, and then you pay for food or alcohol. It all adds up and it is not pretty. Don't give in to peer pressure! If you want to stay in, then stay in! Limit yourself to how many times you go out. Maybe one a week or twice a week!
This tip is essential to saving your bank account. I search around before I have to buy my textbooks. I've found textbooks off of other websites for a much cheaper price. Do not ever buy a brand new textbook unless you have too! Either buy used or rent! I use websites like Amazon or Chegg and they work perfectly. I bought four textbooks this semester off of both Chegg and Amazon and they were all about $20-40 cheaper! Everyone is always too lazy to do the research but it pays off!
This isn't a big tip but $4-5 dollars here and there really adds up. You should definitely invest in a reusable water bottle! If you're worried about drinking tap water or "dirty" water, buy a water filter! Those last a long time and provide water that's even cleaner than the ones you'd get from any bottled water pack.
This may seem like a lot of work but it definitely helps your piggy bank. I am selective about where I shop. I go to Target for somethings, Walmart for others, and Publix for some. If I want snacks, I try to go to Publix because they're often having BOGO deals or cheaper deals, such as two for $5. You save more money also buying the generic brand of things. Don't pay an extra $3 for something that is basically the same thing. Look around for nearby stores or markets that offer better prices. For example, in Tallahassee, there's Lucky's Market which definitely gives Whole Food's a run for its money and is just as great!
These are some great tips and tricks that will help you save your money! Nobody wants to struggle as a broke college student!
Everyone needs a little inspiration for life every now and then.
Through all the different kinds of social media posts and cheesy quote art decor, it is safe to say that we all come across little tidbits of life advice every single day. It's not only until the dark times that we realize that life really is a precious thing, and that's when all of these phrases begin to mean something to us; we start to process what point each message is trying to make in this whole puzzle of "words to live by," and of course it's simply impossible to remember them all.
Well fear not, college-age article skimmers- your list of the best pieces of life advice is finally here. To make this unique from all the other kinds of lists, this one is packaged in mini size in order to please your tech-savvy/ "I want everything immediately" eyes. Plus, where else are going to find the best tips for living your best life? Let us channel our inner Oprah and reflect on what we really want to get out of this little thing called life.
As long as you're responsible about it, a little fun once in a while can be healthy for anyone. Whether it's just a game night with friends or a stereotypical college banger, everyone needs that time to let loose.
It is so easy for anyone to let petty drama and little everyday struggles get to their heads- but once you realize those are just tiny problems compared to the worst case scenarios in life, they start to look as small as a pea. If you're not going to remember it in a couple years time, don't even think twice about it.
This one is SUCH an important one because it can really add on years to your life... everyone has their everyday stresses, but it truly is a whole different ballgame if you are in control of whether it has to stay in your life or not. This is also my biggest pet peeve if someone is constantly negative because then it affects your daily life. If it isn't positive at least some of the time, get rid of them!
I can't stress this enough. With friends and family alike, you're just going to want to keep it real with them in any situation or conversation. It keeps you far from being labeled as "fake" as well as preventing you from getting involved in any sort of drama. What's not to love about this?
You can't stay in your little bubble forever. Especially if you aren't the adventurous or most outgoing type, always force yourself to try something new. Whether it's joining an organization, traveling, or just trying a new hobby, it may as well help you make a life-long friend or become one of the best decisions of your life. You'll never know until you say "yes."
This is literally the only piece of advice my high school A.P History teacher wrote in my yearbook. Although this does go with Tips 5 and 9, people may forget just how simple it really is to just go out and do something. It can be everything and anything- as long as it's true for you, go out and do good.*
*Notice how I didn't say "do well."
This is my own personal little tip that I kind of love immensely. Appoint one day of the week as your "off" day where you don't allow yourself to worry about school, work or any kind of obligations. A vacation day once a week is beneficial for all kinds of reasons- you're welcome for this one.
Ever since I started college, I hate to admit that I have become a procrastinator (since I was never one in high school!) because of time management. Once you have something to do, whether it's to do a homework assignment or simply clean out your Inbox in your email, do it as soon as its given or on your mind- the sooner the better.
This also goes with Tips 5 and 6, but it's so important to keep in mind that growth is key in life. You don't want to be stuck in time or in your own personal bubble forever, so it is crucial to try new things and explore new places as well as meet new faces and reflect on the kind of person you want to be.
I cannot stress enough for college students. In college, no one is there to remind you about deadlines or force you to actually do your work. You are your only motivator, so get yourself a planner or a dry-erase board so you can schedule your weekly commitments and keep your priorities straight and organized.
It isn't easy to realize this at the moment, but the bad times are there so you can appreciate the good ones as well as to make you stronger. Through each breakdown or tough time you have, keep in mind that it's your reaction to the problems that define your character. Just take a deep breath, because it is only a bad day not a bad life after all.
Whether you're a big family-oriented person (like me) or not, one should never forget that family is most important because they're always going to be there for you. I consider my best friends family, as well, so always remember to keep these people close to your heart. Whenever you'll need them, they'll be there for you, so be kind to them and always stay in touch.
Speaking of friends, it is always important to meet new people and branch out because you never know what great things can come from it. However, you should still keep in touch with the people you've had relationships with for years. Just keep in mind, no matter the length of the friendship, it is all about quality and loyalty, always.
This is a saying we've all heard before in kindergarten, but it is nonetheless truer as you get older. Be the kind of friend you wish you had, be your true self and things will all fall into place.
This is a saying that I haven't learned the true meaning of until recently and it's one of my most special tips to live by. While most people are always worrying about what comes next or their most recent struggle in school, they never take a moment to just appreciate the present and live for it. You truly don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, so take in everything while you can right now because it all can change in a blink of an eye.
Everyone says that you can't really love another person until you love yourself, and I'm a believer in this. You should be confident in the skin your in, be proud of your personality traits and never be ashamed of who you are. Once you do this the good things start coming, so take your time because then everything else falls into place.
This has been my number one personality trait since day one. You never know what others are going through behind closed doors, so it's always best to be kind to everyone you meet (unless they give you a reason not to be). Even if you aren't kind by nature, showing some kindness once in a while may make someone's day. You never know...
This is something of personal preference, but if you have no regrets in life it truly makes the journey even better. Even through the bad times, you always grow and learn something from it, so you should never regret those moments either. Some people may have them once in a while, but in the scope of life, you shouldn't have major ones; and if you do, do something to change that.
Personally, I believe in fate and that whatever is meant to happen will happen. My life motto is to always have hope and believe in this saying because life is a beautiful thing that shouldn't be spent wasting time or being sad for most of it. What better way is there to live than to become hope?
I literally just got this from a commercial I saw on TV, but it's nothing short of true. While you've been trying to decipher the meaning of life through reading all of these tips, I think the most important thing to take from this is to just live. Be yourself, surround yourself with great people, work towards your dreams and in the meantime live your best life. How can you go wrong with that?
Technology is as much a luxury as it is a liability. Most of our lives are lived online now and we take this for granted. Phones never needed to have unlimited storage for something so unrelated as photos, but we asked for it, and we got it. Bells and whistles are great, but sometimes we get exactly what we didn't wish for too. Here are ten times technology fails us.
Turn on the computer to start your day and a frozen screen stares back at you. The power button is your friend, just restart it. No, the computer's given you the cold shoulder for sure. I guess I'll put it next to the heater then.
Would you like to update to the latest version of your favorite program that you use and rely on for hours on end? Yes, please. Would you like it to last the whole day? Oh no, not at all. Updates have us in a love-hate relationship. And don't get me started on iTunes. Hardware or software, it's never enough and always changing.
We like to mumble sometimes, it's lazier than texting someone. What's even lazier are the virtual assistants Siri and Alexa. They must be tone-deaf after all these years of verbal abuse. Do you accept my apology virtual assistants? I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that? My name's not Dave, but I understand.
This isn't just for dating anymore. The act of ghosting, leaving no response and deleting all connections before or after a real connection is made, is hard to understand. But orbiting is a mystery; it's sticking around for reasons unknown to the one being orbited (out of guilt or jealousy?) hoping for a connection to be kept that doesn't require a friendship necessarily. Either way, both are intrusive and antisocial. So much for social media.
You reset your router, there's not a cloud in the sky, and your device won't give you the internet. Your life is mostly the internet and your Wi-Fi knows this. The only question left to ask is, "why Wi-Fi?"
Jerry Seinfield says it best, we have two lives: our life and our phone's battery life. People don't always prioritize their lives when it comes to phone usage. There's probably ten or more apps that I could delete to save my battery too but tossing a cow is more fun. Better start using a phone like it was meant to be used.
Internet literacy is a constant issue for tech users. Texting has replaced calling someone on the phone, but when you text you have to bring some people up to speed with your shorthand lingo. You'd think the written word would give you answers but it often leaves behind more questions or the occasional excuse. Talk to someone in person next time, or pick up the phone at least, because texting is srs bsns.
The internet overloads you with so many results, it's hard to know exactly what you need. It's an endless black hole into a rabbit hole and into another vacuum of endless space. It's a game of trial and error and you win when you don't get distracted.
You're working on a deadline and you hear your notification bell ring. Your buddy sent you a gif and you return the favor. Now you're on a detour towards attractions and distractions. No one is safe from the internet or its dank memes.
Having good internet literacy is one thing but knowing how to apply it is another. Whether it's coding or something as simple as minimizing a window. Sometimes the bare minimum isn't enough and other times all the bells and whistles are more than enough. Less is more, then again more is more too. The learning curve is never-ending.
Technology, for better or worse, has made our lives easier. It has not found a solution for obsolescence but until then, let's use technology for the better.