Why Exercising Is Something To Look Forward To
Regardless if I feel motivated or not, I feel mentally great after exercising.
Exercising is a hobby that everyone can enjoy. Different images spring to mind, you may think of a baseball player or the fit runner that endorses Nike products. They are examples of exercise, but the people that exercise are more diverse than that. Anybody can and should exercise regularly.
We live in a society where we have easy access to different exercise challenges and plans. I have a Perfect Pullup bar that has a link to an exercise schedule with directions on form and the number of reps for each day. First, you have to test the maximum number of pull-ups you can do and then match your number to the corresponding row. With that, you know what to do for 21 days. The company that manufactured the pull-up bar has YouTube videos on other exercises with their Perfect Pushup handles, which I decided to buy about a month ago. The handles rotate, which help exercise more muscles while doing a push-up.
I alternate each day between doing strength training on my pull up bar or push up handles and running outside or on a machine. This is a good balance so that I don't overdo any muscles. What is neat is that you don't have to do my routine of exercising. There are different fitness plans available. There are also so many different exercise machines and devices that help to develop good form and use muscles. No one can complain about a lack of access, especially since there are more fitness products for home use.
Keeping my routine of exercise has helped immensely with my physical and mental health. Not only does it help burn calories and fat, it helps me to relieve stress and anxiety. When I skip exercising, it is not the end of the world but I feel less motivated and mentally clear. Exercising leads me to be more positive and confident. I feel this especially when I challenge myself and see improvements. Finally, it is a great practice of self-control. Even just committing to an exercise plan when you feel unmotivated is a great demonstration of self-control.
For most people, our bodies are made to do physical activity and enjoy personal achievements. I truly believe that if every American came up with some exercise plan that matches their schedule, we would see an improvement in mental health and a decrease in obesity cases.
If you are debating whether to do more exercise, don't wonder any longer. Find a good plan and do it! And don't entertain any negative thoughts that put you down or judgments from other people who are more advanced in their physical level. Focus on improving yourself and strive to get better. Don't compare yourself to others or envy someone else. Exercise is your personal stress relief and health tool, not something to use to brag about yourself to others.