9 Ways To Check Your White Male Privilege
Check your privilege so I don't have to.
It's 2019. Race and gender can be considered pretty "controversial" topics but they are topics that have to be discussed. As a black male I understand how my views and perceptions can be seen as "bias" but from someone who lives in a primarily black neighborhood and attends a school with a majority of "white" students, I believe that I can offer a unique perspective and start a dialogue so we may bring in an era of understanding and equality.
1. Understand that white privilege does exist
The first step in checking your white privilege is the acknowledgement that it DOES exist. While we have come far since the civil rights era, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. But there are still several racial inequalities in the US that aren't always addressed in the media. Learning how you may benefit from it is the first step you can take to help start a healthy dialogue of race and privilege.
2. Don’t take it personally
3. And don't use discomfort as an excuse to disengage.
If you use discomfort to disengage, nobody will be the better. It's actually counter productive.
4. Recognize that your race doesn't make you better or worse than anyone else.
Just because you may be white that doesn't give you any more importance or value over someone that is a POC (person of color). Understanding the validity and importance of others is another huge step you can take in recognizing your white privilege.
5. Remember that we are all human and we all deserve love.
We are all human at the end of the day and we all deserve that level of love and respect. Regardless of race, gender, creed, sexual preferences, etc. we all are beautiful and important people with equal and valid identities and rights.
6. Learn when to listen.
It's easy to lend an ear, even to things we can't relate to. Listen and don't try offering a solution, just hear them.
7. And know when to speak up!
And stand up for your fellow human being.
8. Educate yourself and others about other races and culture.
The more you know the more respect you will have.
9. Don't believe the racial stereotypes presented by media
An angry black woman, an Indian cab driver, a Latin American person as an undocumented immigrant, these are all stereotypes. Stop believing everything you see on tv.
Stop making assumptions about others, especially based on their race.