To My Mom, After Both of Her Babies 'Left The Nest'
I'm sorry we had to leave you for college, but we are thinking of you every day.
Mom, I'm sorry, but we've officially left the nest.
I can understand what you are probably thinking at this moment. Your two children are all grown up and living their own lives at school; away in a completely different state and you are not there to take care of them. You're left at home with the dogs, and not constantly on top of our every move and reminding us of the things we need to get done.
I promise you though; we are okay with being away from the security of the nest.
I know it might seem to you like we don't really know how to take care of basic necessities like grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning for ourselves, but we do. I can assure you that we know how to wake ourselves up in the morning, to take care of ourselves when we are sick, and most importantly, to look out for each other while we are gone.
From the early stages of our lives, you've engraved in us words of wisdom, life lessons that we've lived by time and time again, and of course common knowledge on how to do things for ourselves. It is finally our time to prove to you that we are both perfectly capable of washing our own dishes, cleaning our homes, and doing our own laundry (even if we don't separate the darks from the lights).
I know it is probably scary for you to have an empty nest for the first time. This is something that is new to us all. We've both been by your side our entire lives, through every good time and bad, and now it's time to take on the world ourselves. Life is going to throw us crazy situations here and there, but you've taught us how to overcome them all, and I couldn't be more grateful to have a role model like you to look up too. You are the epitome of my best friend, and I hate to leave you. I promise you, you will always be the first person we call when something goes wrong or when we need to fill you in on the latest drama in our lives.
Most importantly, you should know that you could never be forgotten. You will always be our mom regardless of how many miles are between us, and we know we always have a loving nest to come home too. Don't worry, we will be home soon!
For the time being while we are gone, treat yourself a little more extra than usual. Get your hair and nails done. Grocery shop for the foods you want to eat, not the snacks we nag you to buy. Clean the house from top to bottom like I know you've been dying to do since apparently "we are too messy."
Mama, we will see you so soon. Until then, always know we love you endlessly and will always call that nest that might be miles and miles away, home.