I'd Write A List Of Why 'A Star Is Born' Is The Best Movie Of 2018 But I Can't See Through My Tears
I did not expect to cry but I did.
When I first saw the trailer for 'A Star Is Born' I was so excited for this movie. This trailer gave me the goosebumps when Lady Gaga was singing the song 'Shallow'. You hear it and you're left awestruck. I really didn't know much about this movie, but I am a huge fan of movies about singing. I saw Bradley Cooper as a country artist since he had the accent that typical country artists have (yeehaw). It came out just last Friday (October 5) and everybody was already talking about how good this movie was. Dan Smyers from Dan + Shay commented on how incredible it was, and we all know how much I love Dan + Shay.
I knew I had to see it pronto. It has a 90% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and that says something coming from Rotten Tomatoes. On Sunday, I went to go see it even though I had three tests that upcoming week. A little sacrifice to see this amazing movie was worth it.
WARNING: MAJOR spoilers ahead.
A STAR IS BORN - Official Trailer 1www.youtube.com
"A Star Is Born" is about a famous singer named Jackson Maine who discovers and falls in love with a struggling artist named Ally. He meets her in a drag bar where he saw her perform on stage. After the show, Jack introduced himself and asked if she wanted to grab a drink with him. They end up bonding through music and their lives. In one scene Ally was talking about how she struggles in the music industry and how they like how she sounds but don't like how she looks, saying that they criticize her nose. Jacks asks if he could touch her nose. He slides his finger down Ally's nose and says it's perfect. He invites Ally to his next concert but she politely declines, saying that she works that night He dropped Ally off at her house and as she was walking to her front door Jack got her attention and said "I just wanted to get another look at you" and Ally traced her nose with her finger.
Ally ends up quitting her job to go to his concert. Jack sees her and tells her to go on stage with him to perform. At first, she tells him that he's crazy and that she will never go on stage. But she ends up singing and it's amazing. Her vocals are something else. It gives you the chills. The literal chills.
Their relationship was a mess though. They loved each other so much but they had their problems. Jack struggled with alcohol and drugs. Every day he got drunk to the point that he couldn't walk. And he would take drugs on a daily basis, which would affect his sense of hearing. By the end of the movie, he struggled with this hearing.
This was affecting Ally too because she started to get successful in her career. She got signed by a record deal and released her own album. Her songs got very successful and she ends up getting nominated for a Grammy. Jack was getting constantly drunk and Ally had to take care of him.
At the Grammy's Jack got very drunk and he wasn't functioning. He was stumbling all over the place. Ally won the award and Jack got on stage with her and made a fool of himself. He was falling and ends up peeing his pants. This scene was very hard because Ally loves him so much that she would do anything for him. Jack ends up going to a rehab center and gets better.
Even though he gets better, he felt guilty. He realizes that Ally's career was in jeopardy because of him. He couldn't bear to think that he embarrassed her in front of everybody at the Grammy's. Jack ends up committing suicide. This scene was so sad. I did not expect that to happen. When that happened I just looked at the people around me because I couldn't believe Jack was gone. Why did he have to die?!
By the end of the movie, I was crying so much. Ally performed a song that Jack wrote called "I'll Never Love Again". This broke my heart because Jack loved her a lot. And they showed a scene where Jack is singing that song to her. By that point, tears were pouring down my face. This scene made me think about a lot. I don't have a boyfriend right now but I was just imagining having someone that loves you that much and them going away. The lyrics say "Don't wanna know another kiss, no other name falling off my lips. Don't wanna give my heart away to another stranger". If someone I love dies, I wouldn't be able to love someone again. It would be very hard. I wouldn't want to give my heart away to another stranger, just as the lyrics say. I basically love all the movies that have to do with love and heartbreak, maybe that's why I cried so much during the movie.
I've been listening to the soundtrack 24/7 these days and I'm loving it. The songs are so good. I'll probably have all the songs memorized in the next few days. I tear up just by listening to the lyrics.
This movie is officially my favorite movie ever and I already want to see it again. I need more people to see this movie so I can talk to someone about it! Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were amazing. Their acting and singing were off the charts. I recommend this movie to anybody and everybody because this movie is more than a chick flick. It is amazing and it needs to win awards. SEE IT.