4 Ways Being An Night Owl Is The Best
Being a sleep-deprived night owl I can relate to these topics very well.
Being one myself may seem that this is a bias opinion, BUT that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you are here reading this and I feel happy that I have a night buddy.
It's Quiet Outside
GiphyThe everyday busy life can be tiresome with constant noise. Having some peace and quiet at is something that I treasure after a day of stress or constant noise.
Late Night Drives
GiphyI know I talked about late night drives in an earlier article, but I love being able to go out on a summer night and enjoy the nightlife.
Your Haunting Memories
GiphyWho doesn't enjoy remembering the time when they were in 5th grade and they were singled out by their teacher to speak in front of the class and then ended up passing out.... yeah. Good times.
Get Things Done
GiphyI know many of my friends and family get things done at night and sometimes even with better quality. My best work comes late at night.
4 Overused Twitter Memes That Need To End Before 2019 Begins
RT for *insert here* fav for *insert here*
Memes can make or break the internet. They have the ability to keep us entertained for a long time, annoy us to no end, or even both at the same time. Even though many do deserve the attention they receive, a lot of them are highly overrated. Following is a list of memes that need to be retired when the ball drops on January 1st at 12:00 a.m.
1. Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it / Don't say it
We get it, you're in a lot of situations where you don't exactly want to say something but end up blurting it out anyway. I appreciate you sharing these moments with us, but perhaps there are far too many of them. If you thought the responses were unwanted at the moment, know that they're just as unwanted on Twitter.
2. One taught me love, one taught me patience, one taught me pain
There is no denial that Ariana Grande's "Thank u, next" is practically the anthem of 2018. However, if I want to come across this line over and over again, I'll stick to listening to the song instead of reading it every time I scroll through Twitter. Ariana has gone through too much to be known for a meme this year.
3. RT for *insert here* fav for *insert here*
Even though this may be an effective way to gather people's opinions on one thing over another, these Tweets do nothing more than clutter up everyone's timelines. The problem is, these Tweets are created with the goal to go viral instead of actually gather other user's preferences. Twitter polls were invented for a reason and a good one at that.
4. Any and all Vine threads
Vine died for a reason! While most people still reference Vines all the time and put off writing a paper to watch Vine compilations on Youtube, Twitter should not serve as their new home. As someone who usually checks Twitter in public to pass time, I am never enticed to utilize my time by rummaging through a vine thread. Although Vine is gone, these short videos can still be watched on demand somewhere else within the interwebs.