The End Of Spring Semester Described By GIFs
We all feel the same way when it comes to the end of the spring semester.
The springtime is honestly one of the best times of the year. The weather is getting warmer. Everyone is dusting off their Birkenstocks from their closet and wearing them every day they can.
The trees and flowers are blooming. The smell of fresh cut grass is all around. The best part about spring is knowing that summer is just around the corner. On the other hand, for college students all around, spring means the end of the semester.
The end of the spring semester is one of the most stressful times of the year for any college student. All you are trying to do is simply survive. You have so many projects and papers to finish before May comes around.
You have to start the cramming process that you do for studying for your final exams in your classes. Your emotions go on a not-so-fun little rollercoaster during this time and I know you can definitely relate to them.
1. Stressed
This is probably the number one emotion that everyone who is in college has gone through during the end of the spring semester. You have a hundred things to do and not enough time to do them.
How are you supposed to write a 10-page paper along with studying for your final exam all at the time? Time to head over to the library and start chugging those coffees and Red Bulls.
2. Fear
Fear is the feeling of being afraid, frightened, and scared. I don't know about you but I go through all of these around finals time. You're afraid you didn't write enough information in your paper. You're frightened that you didn't study enough for that art history final exam. You're just plain scared about what your final grades will be.
3. Anger
Anger is obviously the feeling of being angry. I sometimes go through this emotions towards the end of semester. Why did I put everything off until the last minute? Did I really need to go out instead of studying for my math test? Of course you didn't past me but now current me is dealing with all of those mistakes you made.
4. Madness
It's official, you have gone mad. I also love to call this stage "your IDGAF attitude". It's here ladies and gentleman. You don't care anymore about anything. Your final exams? No.
Your grades? Nope! You might as well just drop out and find a box to live in as your new home. Who needs a college degree so you can be successful right?
5. Sadness
Sadness is obviously the feeling of being sad. You aren't sad that you are done with classes but you're sad that you won't be in the same place as all your college friends.
You spend hours and hours hanging out with them all the time to all of a sudden they aren't there every day like they used to. Thank god for Snapchat and FaceTime.
6. Stressed...again
Did I mention how stressed college students are at the end of the spring semester? You still have a hundred things to do and not enough time to do them. How many cups of coffee or cans of Red Bull can you drink before you die?
7. Joy
Joy is the feeling of being happy. Now those finals are all over, you can finally relax. It's summertime people!!! YOU SURVIVED THE END OF ANOTHER SEMESTER!! Time to make yourself a margarita, go outside by the pool and get yourself a nice tan. You deserve it!!!