12 Reasons You Should Still Be Watching 'New Girl' ALL DAY In 2019
All day, son.
01 April 2019
As if you needed more than one reason, here are 12:
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All day, son.
As if you needed more than one reason, here are 12:
Singles may not be the only ones that low-key hate this day....
Aight, I seriously do not know why, but every Valentine's Day it seems like couples are lowkey having a competition to see who's the best and most popular power couple. I guess it's fine for couples to share their love, but come on... Y'all have 364 other days of the year to post a pic with your counterpart, why would you want to become part of Valentine's spam on social media? I bet you will not even hit your like target solely because there are so many other pictures to compete with. Plus, we all know that even people in relationships get kind of annoyed of seeing social media full of pictures of that sort for this very reason (oversharing).
In relationships, there is always one who loves to take THE perfect picture on Valentine's Day to either share it or keep it for themselves. These people, who desperately want that perfect pic, will literally do ANYTHING to get it. They might try going up Mount Everest to get a perfect view, they might force you to go to Paris so you can get a totally natural (*overacted*) picture of both of y'all kissing at the top of the Eiffel Tower; or they may take you to Central Park so you get a beautiful picture looking over the nice little pond.
Unfortunately, the obvious catch about getting this perfect pic is that it can take billions of attempts to get it. And when you do finally get it, that same picture-obsessed person in the relationship will edit it so they look good and you don't.
The struggle is REAL. Going out on Valentine's nowadays is actually kinda hard. Making a reservation for dinner at a nice restaurant can be a truly chaotic task. Getting tickets for the movies or live shows can also be very difficult, heck, even making long lines to buy gifts is also kind of a pain.
This is why a lot of couples end up just staying put, eating some delivery food, and chilling.
Don't know why, but for some reason all of your single friends suddenly decide to ignore you on this day. Well, I actually know why. It's probably because you are in a relationship and they think you're having a blast with your counterpart.
In turn, your single friend/s just rather let you be while they stay at home crying, eating ice cream and watching "P.S. I Love You".
Whether you are in a relationship or not, PDA is honestly not cool and on Valentine's people decide to engage on full make-out sessions in public spaces. If you pay attention, it is actually insane how much this happens. You seriously won't be able to take five steps without seeing someone doing this.
The saddest part is that nobody can do or say anything about it. Valentine's is literally the only day in which couples can fearlessly make out anywhere they please without having anybody telling them not to. And to be completely honest, it is kind of annoying because I feel like people overly abuse of this "power".
You might have not thought about this before, but doing "cute" things on Valentine's for your better half like going out, getting gifts or anything of that sort, can actually be little heavy on your pocket depending on what you decide on doing.
I mean, it is definitely a good expenditure to make because making a good gesture for your beloved in this day is always nice. But still, I bet you can't deny you wish it didn't have to be like that sometimes.
It may or may have not happened to you, but if you are in a relationship, just think for a second how awkward this could be.
Imagine you are going out for lunch break at your job and you go to your nearest coffee shop to get a bagel and some coffee. Suddenly, a total random sits down at your table and tries to start a conversation and you already know where it's going. Consequently, after being a little cutting they either get offended and leave or they desperately ask you to give them your number. Then you tell them you have a significant other and they either not believe you, or they do but they still don't care, and from there it just gets worse.
Even though this has never actually happened to me, man, I surely don't ever want to be in that spot. Just imagining how awkward and uncomfortable that would be made me cringe when I was writing this.
Think about it. There are so many things that can go wrong that day and because it is Valentine's Day, its severity multiplies x100. You might get really late for dinner, you maybe forgot to get something for your couple or your beloved might have gotten pissed at you because you couldn't get to see him or her because of how busy you were with work.
I promise I am not trying to jinx your Valentine's Day, I was merely pointing these things out so you could prepare ahead to not screw up when the actual day comes around. So if you read this, try to not screw up, and may you have a happy Valentine's Day!
I don't know everything or anything close to that, but I have learned some things living on campus for the past few months.
The food is mediocre at best and the boys are just as mean as high school, but I love college!
Being a freshman, I should expect nothing more than to use the meal plan and endure the constant chaos of the dining hall.
Sometimes you're going to have to deal with the fact that there's a hair in your pasta or your meat has an odd sheen to it.
While most people tend to get heated about this issue, I don't tend to sweat it that much because you have to think the multitude of people the staff is trying to feed and understand that it's not always going to be a 5-star steak house meal.
Yes, sometimes I do choose to eat out, so I don't have to experience whatever they try to qualify as "Beef Stroganoff" but let's be real, It's free food, and you might find something that you like.
While at first, it may seem like you and your best friends will keep the same contact as you did when you were back home, that's not always the case.
A lot of times your friends will get busy, or you will be busy and next thing you know it's been three weeks, and you haven't heard from them.
It is nothing personal, it's just the adjustment of college is a lot, and we're all trying to figure it out. The nice thing is, FaceTime is so easy, and I've found that it fills the gap of them not being with me.
If not FaceTime, Snapchat at least lets you know that they're not dead.
In high school, I was always an early riser. I could get out of bed at 7:30 am on the weekend and be ready to go. However, college has changed me. I sleep every chance I get.
On the weekend, it is lucky if I'm out of bed by noon. That being said, I also stay up a lot later. I used to get mad at myself if I wasn't in bed by 11:00 p.m.
Now I'm just happy if I'm back in my dorm by then, and that's only on weeknights. Don't even get me started on the weekends. Whoever came up with the concept of parties not starting until 10:30 p.m. — you made a mistake. I think they should start around 7:00 p.m. and I could be back in bed by midnight.
All in all, don't expect yourself to get up as early as you forced yourself to in high school. Last but not least, you might think an 8:00 a.m. will be okay. An 8:00 a.m. is never okay.
Okay to be fair, this could be Walgreens too, but my campus has a CVS.
For whatever reason, there is never a bad time to go to CVS.
Whether you're coming back from the bars with your friends and you have a dire need for white cheddar Cheez-its, or your roommate is sick, and you decide you need to create your own Mini Pharmacy, there is always a reason to make a quick stop. My friends and I are constantly in CVS looking for something we don't need.
Nothing is better than deciding you want to stay and watch Netflix so all your friends run to CVS to get some snacks and whatever else we can find.
I have been fortunate enough to have my roommate and suitemate be my best friends.
However, not everyone is so lucky. When I say "having a good roommate is important," I don't mean they need to be your best friend, but you both need to learn how to co-exist and that goes both ways. It is just as possible for you to be the bad roommate.
So, when you're trying to figure out your living situation, make sure you're sure they're the person you want to live with because there are no breaks when you're in the room. You don't get to run off to your room and hide. They live there too so be respectful and also know worst-case scenario, it's okay to move out if things get bad.
One of the best pieces of advice I've ever gotten is "Don't be afraid to admit you're homesick" A friend of mine said that everyone goes through this phase their first semester or even year of college where everyone is in this unspoken competition to get everyone to think that they're thriving or having the most fun.
Everyone is in the same boat.
I genuinely do love my school, but that doesn't mean there aren't times where all I want is to get on a plane and go home. That's part of being in college.
It's important to remember that the things you miss about home are most likely gone too. Home for me is a metaphorical thing. Yes, I love my hometown, but when I get homesick, I think of my friends and family.
That being said, they're always just a phone call away and are probably feeling the same way you are. SO don't be afraid to reach out and give in to the forbidden fruit that is "being homesick."
I think every girl has this moment where they think going to college — all the boys are going to be so different, that they've miraculously turned into men and won't compare to any of the jerks from back home.
While some guys are really nice in college, I'm going to let you know that many of them have not turned into men at all. That is precisely why accounts like Barstool and 5th year even exist.
There is only a three-month gap between college and the end of high school, and clearly, that is not enough time for guys to lose their egotistical personalities. For some, it gets even worse because they think they're on top of the world finally being in college.
I'm going to let you in on a secret: boy you're not the sh*t, stop treating women like they're disposable.
Sending me "Wyd ;)" is not the way to get in my pants.
Ladies, I'm sure we all do that same facial expression and eye roll every time a guy decides to text us, especially a guy that we don't want to talk to. And then they hit you up with the same tired messages. And for the guys who are reading this, please know that these text messages are obvious and point out that you're trying to smash. Some may include:
For those who don't know, this translates to simply, "what are you doing right now?" We're doing absolutely nothing 90% of the time and all of a sudden, us ladies happen to be busy.
Texts like this are actually sweet. But I've noticed that no one says good morning so hard like a guy who wants you to know that he's interested…in trying to get some. This post actually comes either way. I wouldn't mind if my boyfriend said it, but sometimes, you just KNOW.
Yeah, same thing as "Wyd." Trust me you don't need to know where I am because I'm not trying to meet up with you nope.
Obviously. I hate these kinds of "without me?" text messages. Yes, OF COURSE I'm doing whatever I want without you weirdo.
If you count that one time I picked my boogers in 4thgrade, then yes, I'm a total freak.
Like what is that supposed to mean you weirdo? (I know what they mean, but I'm definitely not going to tell them. That is uncomfortable.) Like what are you going to do with that information?
I hate when y'all say this when I clearly live in a whole other state. I know it's not possible but how do you even respond to this?
YES, I was asked this question and I screamed. My friends were dying laughing. Why do you want to know if my friends are "freaks?"
When you post a fire pic on the gram and he hits you up after ghosting you for pretty much 6 months. And what if you just happen to have a boyfriend now.
The shinguard tans are real and most certainly here to stay.
Field hockey may not seem as popular as soccer or football, but it's actually one of the world's most popular sports. It is also played by men AND women, which may come as a surprise to some people.
Regardless of that, field hockey is a sport that has a lot of its own unique moments that every player can relate to, and I have been so lucky to be a part of it for the majority of my life.
Throughout the season, you throw things into your bag and say you'll "get it later". Realistically, this means you'll clean it out before next year's season starts.
When you do take the time to clean it out, you end up finding things like year-old granola bars, dirty socks, and that pair of flip-flops you thought you lost for good. You never know what you're going to pull out.
No matter how many times you wash them, they never lose their stench. You can even Febreze the heck out of them but, unfortunately, the smell is there to stay.
Sometimes when you hit the ball wrong, it makes your hands hurt from the stick vibration. But if it happens during the winter, it's even worse than how it usually feels.
This is THE WORST, especially in the middle of the game. You get so mad at yourself for not focusing a bit more, and you hope to redeem yourself later.
You're already extremely tired from the game, and now you have to play seven vs. seven. Not winning this round means you go into strokes, and that's even worse. The pressure is ON.
It's extremely hard to get the ball down the field by yourself, so it's crucial to work together as a team. When you're close with your teammates off the field, it makes playing together so much smoother. It's easier to make things happen when you're all buddies.
Getting a new stick is beautiful, and walking into a store like Longstreth is pure heaven. Testing out new sticks takes so long because you need to make sure your stick is perfect. It's basically like your best friend, so you have to make sure you work well together.
Seriously, it's not that hard. All you have to do is get the ball in the net, just like any other sport, but this time it's with a stick. It's easier to follow than you think!
This is the best way to keep your hair out of your face. Odds are you had the one girl on your team who braided everyone's hair because she was that good at it.
Ice hockey and field hockey bonding is the best. Although there are differences between the two sports, you always have this unspoken bond due to your love of hockey.
Some girls on your team are just plain scary to be in front of when they're hitting the ball. You definitely don't want to be on the other team when they're trying to score.
Especially if you're a defender. Getting hit happens so often you just become immune to the pain. At least you'll have a cool bruise to show off!
Sure, you are bending a lot, but it's not like you're hunched over the entire game. Once you've been playing for a while, you get used to it.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. Whether it's a game day tradition, a cheer you do before getting onto the field, or a song you always sing on the bus ride home, they are memorable moments you'll always hold close to your heart. Fhockey for life!
WWND (What would Nene do) if she was working in an office building?
At some point in our lives, most of us will be working in a corporate building or government office. I am currently a college student trying out the feel of working in an office setting. For my internship, I am working in an office building and as much as I love helping the public and doing easy tasks, there are a few things that annoy me when working in an office building. I'm sure Nene Leakes would have the same pet peeves as I do if she ever worked. Here are some of the pet peeves I deal with on the daily.
Chileeee at this point you wonder why you agreed to these hours.
And then you have to deal with someone yelling about something they can easily fix themselves. You start using the office greeting even on your personal phone.
There's just certain things you just don't do. You're asking to get slapped (well, after I punch out).
Oh no sis, outside of work, we don't know each other. Especially if I don't want you seeing my Instagram account.
*Sits in cubicle laughing silently while my coworker is getting blasted and on the verge of being fired*
Just because I start at 9 a.m. doesn't mean I'm physically ready…please come in at least 10…..or closing.
OH NAHHHH lunch breaks are my own personal time, don't bother me or show me pictures of your cats Susan.
Now they're going to know the real reason why I call out sick.
Now's your time to run out...