13 Quotes That Prove Scott Disick Was The TRUE Lord Of 'KUWTK'
Now that the show is ending, I think it's time to reflect on Scott's best quotes.
Recently, Kim Kardashian West announced that her show with her family, "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," is coming to an end after 14 years and 20 seasons of being on the air and I would like to say that I so called that reality shows would be coming to and end after this year and moving forward.
I could speak about how I'm upset about not being able to enjoy my favorite Kardashian sister, Kourtney, on TV anymore, but I feel that it's necessary to talk about the TRUE star of "KUWTK."
The one and only, Lord Scott Disick.
"KUWTK" die-hards (or casual watchers) have followed Scott's life from the very beginning when he and Kourtney first started dating up until the very end, which will be the final season airing in 2021.
We've seen Scott at his lowest points and at his highest points. Scott is an absolute gem to society and I have to just share some of these quotes that have honestly played a role in how I am today because if there are two things people know about Scott, it's his confidence and humor.
2. “Seems like everyone enjoys me being here, but then again, who wouldn't?”
3. “I'm finally a Kardashian!”
4. “Most people probably think I'm completely unemployed and I just walk around, and a camera crew follows me.”
Scott has his foot in several business ventures and his own brand, Talentless.
5. “I don't mind being portrayed as the villain on TV, but nobody knows the real me. I'm a great guy. You could say I'm a role model. I'm the American dream!”
6. “I love Kim, but she's like the most boring person ever.”
Oh, the irony of this one.
7. “Thank God, you wouldn’t have been able to afford it.”
8. “I don’t have to be walking around like some peasant. I’m royalty!”
9. “I didn't buy the piano to play it, I bought it because it looks nice.”
10. “Aunty Kris, it’s me, Todd Kraines.”
Too many memories.
11. “If you think you’ve got it rough, just take a look at us.”
This is for comical purposes.
12. “I'd never thought that I would be in a family that has more people than a small country.”
13. “You know I’ve realized that I'm probably just perfect, and it's everybody else around me that’s got issues.”
The Lord's top and most retweeted quote of all time that will live on forever.