When You're Sick In College...
Classes just don't stop and your mom's not there to take care of you...the absolute worst.
Waking up in the morning with a lovely cough and stuffy nose is never fun. What makes matters worse, though, is waking up at college with a cough and stuffy nose when your mom is not there to take care of you and your every need.
I'm sure almost every college kid has been there. All they want is their mom to heat What do you mean I have to drive myself to CVS to get medicine? There are too many options and I don't know if I need congestion medicine or severe cold and flu pills or Mucinex…I just really have no idea where to start.
My mom receives phone call after phone call and text after text just trying to figure out what to take and how often I can take it. Of course, I could simply look at the box and figure all this out, but what do they know? Clearly, my mom has all the illness answers and thus she is the only one I can actually trust with this kind of stuff.
Once we get through them all this fun medicine stuff, the next line is always "Get some rest." Which I totally agree with, but as every college kid can attest to, college just does not stop.
Apparently, my body thinks I can just squeeze the flu right into my schedule and it will all work out fine. But my classes tell me different. Rather than having a mellow week, I always seem to get sick at the same time all my assignments, projects, and quizzes are due. The work just keeps piling on, but all I want to do is sleep and watch The Office.
That's not abnormal from any other day, but it is especially true when I'm sick. The thought of having to write a paper or finish a project makes me even sicker than I actually am.
My bed is cozier, the sleep is better, my show is funnier…all signs point to neglecting all my school work. However, that is just not possible if I want to graduate on time.
And in college, you can't just skip class. Too much goes on in one class period. I would probably miss some points and miss a huge assignment and end up failing the course.
The worst part about being sick in college, you ask? It is a never ending cycle and I will probably get sick again in the next three weeks. I may have this nasty cold now, but then it goes to my roommate, and my other roommate, and my other roommate, and guess what? Back to me and then probably to the next person who sits where I am currently sitting in the library.