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Student Life
College Majors As Characters From 'The Office'
Majors that match the personality of an iconic character from "The Office."
27 December 2018
College may be a bore but this is created to remind you what you're made of so don't give up! If you're a crazy fan like myself, you know very well that "The Office" has a cast with very unique personalities that can fit most college majors. Aside from it having a wild character choice, it is also the best TV show to ever exist. Obviously, not all majors are listed so don't get bummed out! I think these are all pretty accurate. Under each character, I have a valid reason why, but DM me if you disagree. Please and thank you, enjoy. *BEWARE OF SPOILERS*
Communications: Michael Scott
Com majors are all over the place, much like Michael Scott. His crazy energy and his incredible talent to absolutely B.S. and still get away with being the branch's manager is truly inspiring. He loves talking and being the center of attention, and can never really get anything done, communications majors can't help but be distracted all the time. You know a lot of people and you want to stay in contact with all of them. You're the life of the party but still manage to get your life together. You'd rather live a happy life surrounded by people than be rich and lonely. You always seek the easiest way to do work, oh and you LOVE to procrastinate, but you do your best work under pressure, in a time crunch.
Agriculture: Dwight Schrute
What better person to be agriculture than the king of Schrute Farms himself? Dwight knows everything from plowing fields, woodworking, beet farming, wolf trapping, goose walking, and even running his own agrotourism business and hosting a bed and breakfast right on his farm. He knows the ins and outs of agriculture and honestly, he could probably teach you everything you're learning in college in about 24 hours. Dwight is precise with his technique and has a strong work ethic, he's not only a perfectionist with his sales but also his crops. People may not take his work outside of Dunder Mifflin seriously, but little do they know how much time and effort it takes, much like everyone who's criticized you for being an agriculture major.
Business: Jim Halpert
Jim is probably the definition of "started from the bottom now we here." He was just a sales guy forever but worked his way into creating his own sports marketing business! For the longest time he's been around good and bad work environments and by examining the rights and wrongs of each, he created a successful company. You don't really need much besides some experience in the business industry, anyone can do it. Jim is a pretty well-rounded guy and is straightforward. His ultimate goal is to get the job done and bring money on a home which is fair. Like Jim, you were kind of lost and believed that the business world is a pretty safe bet when it comes to having a secure job right out of college which really isn't a bad idea.
Marketing: Ryan Howard
Ryan may be too much talk and not enough walk but he knows how to get attention, I mean come on he was the company's youngest VP and was actually pretty good at his job, you know, before the arrest. He grew the company so much from enhancing the website and using newer technology. Let's not forget about his genius social media posting platform idea: WUPH.com. There are actually sites that do this, the most popular that is used in businesses is one called Hootsuite, so maybe Ryan's idea wasn't all that dumb. He knows how to market his brand well, always knows what's trending, and is social media savvy, which is what you're supposed to be right?
Accounting: Oscar Martinez
Oscar is very logical and practical and doesn't really care about anything else besides work. He is extremely smart, smartest one in the office! He can work big numbers in his head like no big deal, math is literally what he lives and breathes. Even his jokes are sometimes too intelligent for the average person to find funny. He is what you would call a nerd but always end up asking help from. You probably have a tutoring side job for easier math classes and find liberal arts students struggling with basic college math amusing.
Art: Pam Beasley
Pam's always been great at art and has always wanted to pursue a career in it but was never confident enough. She tried to go to art school and ended up failing out which won't happen to you *fingers crossed.* She was always discouraged to do so by her ex-fiance, Roy. I'm sure if she wasn't with him, she would be thriving as an artist. But in the end, she got to work on both her office job and her art by painting a mural for the office as well as do some animation and other drawings for work! You probably had criticism and were told to choose another career path but you overcame those obstacles. You are strong-minded, you'll continue to prove those people wrong just like Pam did.
Psychology: Robert California
Robert California is quite the character, I mean this guy KNOWS how to get in your head. He just knows how to use his words and play his cards right. I swear he has a secret super-power to read minds. This guy is suave and is desirable but can also come across as creepy. He gets everyone to do whatever he wants because he's intimidating and has almost a dominating nature. You want to be a Robert California and sometimes try to use what you learn in class on your friends and can come across as either super cool or very weird. Stop trying to read our minds LOL you don't have your degree yet.
Kinesiology: Toby Flenderson
Toby may be a Human Resources representative, but he's one of the most active people in the office. He tends to work out and has a specialty in running. He's also the most adventurous out of everyone in the office, from going to Costa Rica by himself to fully immersing himself in the Scranton Strangler case. He goes to the gym very often, he even found a super hot date to Jim and Pam's wedding at the gym! While working in Human Resources he's used to telling people what's good for them and what's not. Like the rest of the workers in the office, they hate listening to Toby, you'll probably encounter stubborn people in the future.
Education: Holly Flax
Holly has this special skill of being able to adapt to all levels of maturity, to Michael's childish personality to a very professional and corporate workplace. She just knows how to mirror someone else very well and is a likable person. She knows how to teach concepts to all levels of intelligence. She knows how to make learning fun and applicable in the real world. Like Holly, you'll make a great teacher and have similar skills. You'll enhance this generation's education and never cause boredom in the classroom, you'll be everyone's favorite!
Engineering: Darryl Philbin
Darryl knows the ins and outs of the machinery and tools in the warehouse with years of experience. He doesn't get enough credit for how smart he really is until towards the end of the show where he finally gets an office job upstairs. Darryl understands all the mechanics of everything which requires a lot of memorization including physics and math. He is very responsible and has a huge role in the business which is to make sure shipments are made and are organized. Like Darryl, you have a lot of responsibility to make sure everything runs smoothly, no pressure.
Performing Arts: Andy Bernard
If you don't know already, Andy is fire on the dance floor. He's shown off his dance moves in multiple episodes such as in Cafe Disco and even the night before Jim and Pam's wedding where he...well that won't happen to you so don't worry! He is pretty well rounded in all of the performing arts. He was in an acapella group at Cornell and knows how to reach every pitch, he was even in a musical in the show! Like Andy you give your work your all and you can also come across as extra AF, but you can't help it, you're just passionate.
Nursing: Phyllis Vance
Phyllis may be quiet but she's friendly and has a very maternal vibe from her. She's caring and is really sweet until you press her buttons, so as long as you're on her good side, she will continue to be nice and humble. She's far from naive and has a secret love for gossip in the office. She's nurturing and will always to reach out to help if she notices something off. You're job always comes first, but you'll get bored on slower days and end up having to turn to hospital gossip as entertainment.
Criminology: Creed Bratton
Very little, is known about Creed, he seems to keep his life on the DL. He is quite odd and is secretive, he almost comes across as a possible sociopath? Throughout the show, there are lots of occurrences of him being involved in crime from having his shirt covered in blood coincidentally on Halloween to proudly showing the camera that whenever he feels he's in danger he changes his identity. He is often stealing or doing weird things at his desk, maybe it's just an old guy thing. You might have to be involved in weird cases with creepy people doing sketchy things a but that's what the rest of your life is going to look like, have fun!
Social Work: Erin Hannon
Erin is always very enthusiastic and cheerful and spreads happiness in the office even when things aren't going well. She constantly has positive energy and because she's impressed easily she makes everyone feel great about themselves thanks to how naive she is. She's always uplifting and has a huge heart. She's always looking out for everyone, especially Michael. Like Erin, you strive to help people to enhance their well-being and are expected to always have a friendly face.
Philosophy: Jan Levinson
Ever since Jan had her daughter, she's been a total hippie and has found a deeper meaning in life. She likes to meditate and still has her candle collection which adds on to her hippie lifestyle. She does things out of the ordinary but believes that it is the best way to live. Like Jan, you will constantly be studying nature and will always question reality and existence. Most people don't understand the points you make but like Jan, you'll be successful so don't let close-minded people put you down.
Fashion: Kelly Kapoor
Kelly adores attention especially from the guys in the office. She fantasizes about having a Hollywood love life and is also very stylish. She is constantly following the latest fashion trends of the popular celebrities and is always on top of pop culture drama. She loves online shopping and even gives fashion advice to people in the office like Pam. Like Kelly, you aren't afraid to try new things and are very creative in your fashion game. You like to stand out and turn your clothes into pieces of art.
Culinary Arts: Kevin Malone
Kevin Malone screams culinary arts. From his famous Chili, where the trick is to undercook the onions. He puts all of his energy into it by pressing garlic and chopping onions the night before and claims, making this dish is probably what he does best...besides eating of course. When Pam is pregnant Kevin brings in food for the both of them for lunch and "second lunch." He loves to talk about food and knows what good food is all about. Like Kevin, you know that food is more than just something you eat.
English: Stanley Hudson
The only thing that Stanley works hard at is his crossword puzzles. That's literally all he's ever doing. I'd assume that with all the years of him being in the office, doing crossword puzzles, he has the most vocabulary and is a great writer. If Stanley were to widen his skill set and explore other careers other than sales, he could write a book on what he has witnessed in the office. Like Stanley, you hate to be distracted from your work especially when you're on a roll when reading or writing.
Political Science: Angela Martin
Angela has had a lot of experience in being in a leadership position and negotiating. She was once head of the Party Planning Committee and is always complaining to HR about what's wrong with the office. She even dated the Senator of Scranton and is familiar with the political scene. Like Angela, you're hardworking, have a very linear thought process, and are always thinking of a change. Oh and you're also a fighter.
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Student Life
Here's What Your Zodiac Sign Would Be If It Was A College Major
What would you college major be purely based off your zodiac sign?
23 September 2018
The CW
If you are as obsessed with astrology as much as I am, then chances are you thought about your zodiac sign at least a little bit when choosing your major.
After all, some signs do seem more predisposed to certain strengths than others, so it does seem like certain subjects are a better fit for some signs
So, if you're curious, here is each zodiac sign as a college major.
1. Aries- Criminal Justice
Aries: You have a strong sense of right and wrong and justice is very important to you. You are not afraid of confrontation, and you have deep sense of who you are and what you believe.
2. Taurus- Culinary Arts
Taurus: You are all about aesthetics and warmth. You enjoy the simple pleasures in life and that includes food! You are grounded, methodical and careful.
3. Gemini- Political Science
Gemini: Charming, hyper-intelligent and outgoing, you want to stand up and make a difference in the world! You can easily persuade people and have a creative mind.
4. Cancer- Interior Design
Cancer: You are a homebody with amazing instincts. You just know what looks good together and what does not. You have an eye for beauty and design.
5. Leo- Theatre
Leo: You are born to be onstage! You have a larger than life personality, and have no problem being the center of attention.
6. Virgo- Finance
Virgo: Organized, detailed and super intelligent, you have a way with numbers and business that is unmatched! You give great advice, and would do well helping others with their finances and business decisions.
7. Libra- Communication
Libra: You are all about harmony and balance. You are very well-liked, and often act as a mediator between others.
8. Scorpio- Psychology
Scorpio: You like to go deep, and are fascinated by people. You don't like to waste time on superficial things; you want to understand the most intimate parts of who we are, and why we do what we do.
9. Sagittarius- International Studies
Sagittarius: You love to travel and experience all that life has to offer! You have the heart of an explorer and don't want to stay in one place for too long. You want to truly see the world, and connect with others.
10. Capricorn- Business Management
Capricorn: You are a born leader! You are practical, grounded and goal-oriented. You have a futuristic mindset, and can see where something is going before others do. You are strong-willed and others naturally look up to you.
1. Aquarius- Philosophy
Aquarius: You are extremely thoughtful and intelligent, and love developing your own creative ideas. You also love to debate and talk about ideas with others.
12. Pisces- Art/Music
Pisces: You are sensitive, creative and poetic. You think very abstractly and love expressing yourself through your art, whether it be dance, music or visual art.
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Like literally everyone, I love Pixar. Every time I see the classic pixar lamp jump onto my TV screen, I feel a mixture of nostalgia and pure happiness. Their films are always poignant, deep, and visually stunning. They can also be applicable to our everyday lives.
Ever wonder what Pixar movie is most relevant to your life? Well, look no further. You can find out with your college major. No matter what your interests are, there is a Pixar movie for you, my friend. Here are college majors as Pixar movies:
1. Criminal Justice- The Incredibles
Just like the Parr family, criminal justice majors use their gifts to fight crime and keep the world safe. They have a keen sense of right and wrong, and seek justice for everyone.
Buy or rent it on Amazon.
2. Psychology- Inside Out
Psychology is all about the mind. What goes on inside our minds? Why do we act the way we do? These questions are answered both by Riley's story in Inside Out, and the Psych majors.
Buy on rent it on Amazon.
3. Environmental Science- WALL-E
We all know that pollution is slowly but surely destroying our planet. WALL-E works day after day to try to clean up the wasteland that his world has turned into, and Environmental Scientists are essentially doing the same thing, but using science and technology to do so.Buy or rent it on Amazon.
4. Marine Biology- Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo explores the underwater universe and all the creatures living inside it! From the turtles of the East Australian Current to the clownfish living in sea anemones, this film dives into marine life just as a marine bio major does.
Buy or rent it on Amazon.
5. Culinary Arts- Ratatouille
Every foodie loved this classic Pixar film. Not only did it make us hungry from all the delicious food featured in the movie, but it showed just what a grueling and difficult job it is to be a chef.
Buy or rent it on Amazon.
6. Archaeology- The Good Dinosaur
Archaeologists are working to find out what happened on Earth before any of us existed. One of the most fascinating creatures of the past are dinosaurs. Where did they live? What did they eat? What did their homes look like? In The Good Dinosaur, Pixar creatively imagines the lives of one of our planet's most incredible animals.
Buy or rent it on Amazon.
7. Spanish/ Latin American Studies- Coco
Coco beautifully illustrates Mexican and Latin American culture through music, family, and adventure. With songs in Spanish, as well as the setting in Santa Maria, Mexico, this film pays tribute to the heritage of Mexico and highlights what makes the country so unique and special.
Buy or rent it on Amazon.
8. Mechanical Engineering- Cars
Mechanical engineers figure out how things work. From rocket ships to race cars, mechanical engineers will be able to take it apart and tell you what each part is for. Without them, NASCAR as we know it wouldn't exist.
Buy or rent it on Amazon.
9. Acting- Toy Story
The characters in Toy Story have one purpose: to bring happiness to their child. They each have a role to play, and work to entertain their owner. They act out scenes, and can play whatever character the child wants. This is very similar to the job of actors, who entertain others by telling stories.
Buy it on Amazon.
10. Geography- Up
Geographers learn about the world, from the Smoky mountains to the Mediterranean. The seek to explore the planet and discover all its nooks and crannies. The two explorers in Up, Carl and Russell, definitely seem to fit this personality, ad they trek through the wilderness on a grand adventure.
Buy or rent it on Amazon.
11. Electrical Engineering- Monsters Inc.
In Monstropolis, it is Sully and Mike's job to power their city with the screams of frightened children. These screams turn into energy which power their whole community. Electrical engineers essentially do the same thing, although using slightly different methods. They make sure our homes are lit and our cities are functioning.
Buy or rent it on Amazon.
Please note that all items are in stock as of the time of publication. As an Amazon Associate, Odyssey may earn a portion of qualifying sales.
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