Student Life
10 Reasons Fitness Classes At School Are Completely Worth It
After all, you do get credit hours.
27 March 2019
When it comes to fitness, most students don't know where to begin. Most probably don't know that their college offers workout classes for credit.
Just think. It's the perfect setting, you're in a small group of your peers, and there is someone showing you what to do, so you won't be completely clueless. It's the perfect start to any one's fitness journey.
It's a good way to take a break from studying
You inevitably make friends
There's someone there to guide you
It's a great way to exercise
The Freshman 15 is NOT a myth
Since you pay for it, you're obligated to go
And you get credit hours from it
It's a good way to begin exercising if you have no clue where to start
It can relieve stress and boost endorphins
It's simply fun
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