A University's Overnight Policies Are Set For A Reason
If you think overnight policies are stupid, then don't live on campus.
As a freshman, my mom was concerned about the dorm I live in. She wanted to know if there were any policies as far as visitations go and if I was going to be living in a co-ed dorm. The answer to both of those questions is yes. She wanted every single detail down to the second for visitations and safety in my dorm and I quite frankly don't blame her because as a mother who is sending her daughter to school and dishing out thousands of dollars, the safety of her child is her top priority, as it should be.
I heard a lot of moaning and groaning about the overnight rules at our first hall meeting, but I favor the overnight policy for numerous reasons, but my primary concern is for the safety of all students. However, there are some who are opposed to the rules and want it to go away. In my opinion, those same people are selfish — they only think about their needs and don't care for those of their neighbors and classmates. When I become a parent, I want my child to respect the dorm rules as if they were house rules. If there are no rules (and it's clear there are no rules), my child will not be attending that university. I don't care if it is their dream school and I hope all parents (present and future) are in agreement.
Rules are set in place for a reason, so for one (or more) students to say they want to get rid of the overnight policy because their significant other can't stay overnight 24/7 is absolutely ludicrous. A dorm is not a hotel and it shouldn't be treated as one. People go to college to learn (unless you're someone like Olivia Jade who wasted every second on partying), so for many who don't like walking to the library or there are no other quiet places on their campus, they turn to their dorm rooms to study.
Getting rid of the overnight/visitation policy is opening a can of worms that is filled with lawsuit after lawsuit, which universities do not want on their hands all because someone got their panties in a twist over a rule implicated to protect all students.
In case you've missed the pattern here, the point of this is to express that visitation rules and an overnight policy is in place because universities will not and should not cater to one student since they didn't get their way. Sorry buddy, that's not how life works. For people to not see the bigger picture in getting rid of said rules is again, selfish.
More sexual assaults will happen which will result in lawsuits being filed against the universities. More break-ins will occur resulting in dormitory lockdowns. Quiet hours will be a thing of the past because you may as well throw a house party.
If you don't like the overnight policies on campus, move off campus and get an apartment. I understand that financially (and geographically) it's not an easy thing to obtain; however, if you know that you want to have more freedom (and have your significant other stay the night), live off campus and don't put the lives and wellbeing of others in jeopardy due to your selfish ways.
That's life. You don't get what you want.