Why You Will Always Be Someone's Role Model
People look up to you. act like you know it, even when you don't know.
I never really thought of myself as someone's "role model". In all honesty, I feel like I'm too young to be one. You think of people you look up to as being much older, and wiser than you. Someone who has accomplished much in their life, and is typically rich or famous. If you think about it, how many people do you look up to that are rich and famous? Are you a follower of their actions, or are you a fan?
Since finals are over and summer break is in full swing, I have been spending a lot of time with friends and family back home. While catching up with old friends from my time away, there was one conversation that I had that really moved me.
I was catching up with a friend from high school. We went to different schools, but from doing a combined school trip we became good friends. She had just finished her freshman year of college and I was asking her how it went. There was the typical answers of "school sucks but I miss my friends" and so on. But she went on to tell me that I am one of her biggest inspirations and (I quote) "the driving force of my freshman year".
As lame as it may sound, tears came to my eyes. I was shocked because I didn't think I was one someone would look up to at all. (If you know me personally, you definitely know what I'm talking about. Haha!) I was so flattered and couldn't stop smiling. This also really made me think about every single action that I have ever made in my life. Good or bad, someone somewhere is watching whatever you're doing (as creepy as that may sound) and thinking of you as an example, someone they aspire to be.
Since this conversation, I feel so much more moved with my endeavors, wither with refining my craft with writing or photography, or building my professionalism and confidence to try new things and take more risks. Moral of it all is that there is always someone out there is looking up to you. Be the best you can be, and you will attract followers.