10 Random Things To Know About Trey Kennedy
The most extra boy on the internet.
If you haven't heard of Trey Kennedy, go to all of your social media platforms right now and start following him. You won't regret it. With 1.6 million Instagram followers, nearly 100,000 followers on Twitter, well over 2 million Facebook followers, and almost 10,000,000 million views on YouTube, Trey Kennedy is known to poke fun at the everyday things we say and do. What makes his content so funny is that it's all true! You don't realize how ridiculous you are until you watch "Girls during fall be like," "Basic bros be like," "Dads during Christmas," or "Moms." If you need to laugh at something, or someone, watch one of his videos and you'll be rolling in no time. Oh, and I challenge you to watch just one (you might find yourself glued to your seat watching all of his videos!).
In a recent interview with The Real Life Podcast, Trey said that his rise to fame started in 2013 when he and his friends made videos using the app, Vine.
Once he went viral, he started getting calls from companies to promote their products in his videos. After college, he realized he could make a career out of being internet famous and bringing a little bit of joy into people's everyday lives. So he ran with it and here he is today!
Trey has one sister, Kaci Lynn, who “sleeps like a corpse.”
It's little things like this that make Trey so funny. He saw his sister taking a snooze, thought she looked silly, and snapped a picture. Boom! Thousands of likes and laughs that brighten people's day.
His favorite Bible verse, at least right now since it’s in his Instagram and Twitter bios, is John 3:30 (look it up…it’s a great verse).
Actually, you can just read it here: "He must increase, but I must decrease" (ESV).
He’s buddies with John Crist (if you haven’t heard of John Crist, it’s high time you have).
Oh John Crist, the guy whose name you search and it autocorrects to "Christ." The guy who has recently become known to have ridiculously long Instagram stories. The guy who has branded "Check your heart" and "For sure no!" Go to johncristcomedy.com and see for yourself. He might have a show soon in your city/town, so go check him out!
He’s written a book on all the fabulous dad jokes out there.
Does your dad have good jokes? If not, he might want to read this book to pick up some good ones. If he already has good jokes, give him this book anyway to show your appreciation for the cheese and dorkiness he brings into your life. Your old man just might be inspired by these words.
Growing up surrounded by women (mom, sister, and several girl cousins) he knows a thing or two about this generation of basic girls, so he wrote a book on it.
It seems strange that a guy would write a book about the phrases girls use, but in Trey's case it makes perfect sense. If you have enough of something in your life, you develop a perspective and then have two choices: let the world know your perspective, or keep quiet. In this case, Trey gives his perspective on basic Millennial girls.
Not only has he written two books, he sells hilarious merch.
Do you have a birthday coming up? Do you know someone who does? Or are you reading this during Christmastime? These are the perfect gifts for your loved ones. Just laugh and buy it for them. If they don't like it, keep it for yourself.
He's humble to a fault.
You know a guy for sure doesn't have a big head when he captions his pic: "More humble than u."
He knows how to step out properly.
This past Christmas I went to my office party wearing a dress that had reindeer on it. I convinced my coworker to buy a "festive suit." He did and we were by far the most festive people at the party. I have great appreciation for Trey's style. It takes serious self-confidence for a guy to go out looking like he's ready for Halloween at the wrong time of the year.
He's done all this and he's only in his mid-20s! Keep getting after it, Trey!
Probably the best thing about Trey is that he appreciates his audience and his fans. And he keeps his content family-friendly. He knows that if people didn't watch his videos and like his stuff, he wouldn't have this unique career. Keep working hard and staying true to your values, Trey. We're rooting for you!