Are We Seriously Going To Talk About Gun Control Again?
Let's be honest here, it's a topic we'll never correctly answer.
Gun control, everyone's favorite topic. You're either for guns or against them, and there's never really an in between. With the reign of controversy and political dispute, in my opinion — guns shouldn't be in schools. Guns are a danger to the learning environment, there are much safer ways to keep our kids safe, and only certain people should be allowed to carry that sort of weapon.
First thing's first, let's be honest — guns shouldn't be in school, to begin with. Why? Obviously for the fact that they are dangerous. With school mass shootings happening more and more, many kids and staff have died due to gun leniency. I believe the idiotic idea of having our educators carry guns to keep our children safe is the worse possible solution. That's literally fighting fire with fire. The only outcomes from this are panic and disruption of the learning environment, causing students to literally fear their teachers out the idea of what they can do with that weapon. So it's best to keep guns away from schools. However, should we ban guns?
The idea of whether guns should be banned is a mixed bag only creating a double-edged sword. People argue that they, "should have the right to keep their guns, it's an Amendment right." Personally, they're not wrong. The Amendments have a been a big part of our nation's liberties and justification, however I believe we should tweak the standards of who should have guns. I believe guns should be given only to those in authority or whose jobs require them. For example, law enforcement and militants ON ACTIVE DUTY. I repeat, ON ACTIVE DUTY. There should never be a reason for these occupants to carry a weapon unless it's their active job to uphold one.
However, there are people who believe they should keep a gun and that it's their God-given right. And that's perfectly fine — but I believe there's a bunch of people shouldn't have a gun. To my list, these people are:
Parents with children with mental health issues
People with mental issues
Veterans with mental health issues
Why? Because if you've been living under a rock and haven't seen every incident with a mass shooting, every incident that has occurred happened due to someone with mental health issues. And this has become one of the biggest problems of the year, I advise a new plan on combating this issue… Every gun owner should have a mental health screening. This will keep us safe, and ensure that every gun owner who's eligible for a gun, has the perfect mindset and mental health to be able to carry. The idea of having them reevaluated every four years, the same as how a driver's license is renewed every four years is a great idea. The more evaluated the carriers, the less likely to have a potential threat.
Overall, I think guns shouldn't be banned but looked into who's using it and where they're being used. Obviously, a school is the least ideal place to keep a gun, whereas law enforcement and militants are in better hands of them. Then again, if push comes to shove, and the people demand their guns, then we should evaluate them and test them to see if carrying a gun is a safety concern to themselves and others around them, or if they're just fine. I believe this to be the best solution for now until America finds a way to figure out its own problems together.