Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins, the stars of the hit television "Supernatural," announced that after their next upcoming season (season 15), they would be ending the show. I have been watching "Supernatural" for a long time and the fact that it is ending makes me sad; however, even though it is coming to an end, I am not as sad as I thought I would be. I think most fans would agree that this moment was coming soon. The show is just not what it used to be. Of course, back in the day, I used to enjoy every episode, but these last seasons just felt like they were holding back and feeding us lame plots with uninteresting cases and more Lucifer.
"Supernatural" should go out with a bang. This show has meant so much to me and so many others. The fact that it has been around for as long as it has speaks volumes. Forget the "back to basics" episodes they have been trying to do and let us bring back some good and well-developed characters. Things should be mixed up a little. The writers now have the liberty to go crazy on us with whatever they want. There are a few episode ideas that I would like to see in this final season that they haven't really done yet or need more of.
1. A Castiel centric episode.
2. A full young Sam and Dean episode.
There are episodes that have flashbacks of them when they were younger, but I want a full episode of just young Sam and Dean.
3. Another wayward daughters episode.
4. Latin-American Myths.
5. An episode where Castiel is fully powered, at least in one battle.
Recently, anytime Castiel is involved in a fight they have made him seem weak, which he is not. He is an angel for goodness sake, he should be able to fight off humans.
6. A truly scary episode.
7. A case they were unable to solve.
The unsolved case could either be a new case that they can't figure out, or a cold case they wanted to try and solve.
8. A reverse French mistake episode.
In the episode, Jensen, Jared, and Misha are in the "Supernatural" world. Whereas in the French Mistake episode, Dean and Sam were in the real world and on the set of "Supernatural".
9. Some real consequences happening.
10. Celebrity cameosĀ
11. An Arrow-verse crossover.
Now bare with me. Both "Arrow" and "Supernatural" are done by the same television company (CW). Jared and Jensen are good friends with the star of the show "Arrow", Stephan Amell. I think this could be a very interesting concept. I'm not sure what exactly would go on in this episode, but it's an interesting concept to me.
12. The Banes twins.
13. An episode that makes me laugh.
14. I want them to talk about those we've lost (Jo, Ellen, Benny, Jessica, Charlie, Crowley, Kevin, Adam, Meg, Anna, etc.).
15. Jesse the antichrist.
16. Dean singing.
17. Castiel being appreciated.
18. Jack forming his own gang of hunters.
19. Some time travel.
20. "A day in the life".
21. Fake couples case.
22. For Dean to show how smart he is.
In earlier seasons, the show depicted Dean as the ladies man who didn't have much regard for school or learning. Sam is supposed to be the smart one. However, we soon learn that Dean is actually quite smart and innovative. I want an episode that really showcases that.