1. Strawberry-Frosted With Rainbow Sprinkles | The Odyssey Online
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A Depiction Of Your Summer 2019 Plans As Told By Your Go-To Doughnut Order

A plain glazed doughnut? Looks like your summer consists of being at home and being bored 24/7.

A Depiction Of Your Summer 2019 Plans As Told By Your Go-To Doughnut Order
Photo By Dana LeBron

With national doughnut day coming up, it is only right to see what your summer plans are as told by your go-to doughnut order! Are you spending your days at the beach and in the sun or are you more of an old fashioned, staying in and spending some time quality time with your family?

1. Strawberry-Frosted With Rainbow Sprinkles

Krispy Kreme

Your summer screams beach and all things sunshine! There's no doubt that your summer plans are taken right out of a stereotypical teen beach movie! But that's totally okay! I don't see anyone putting down a day at the beach and a campfire with s'mores at night!

2. Plain Glazed

Krispy Kreme

Your plans could either be two things. You are either spending the summer at home being bored as can be or you're lactose intolerant and this is truly the only doughnut that you can eat and enjoy without suffering the consequences. If both these things hold true then same sister!

3. Chocolate Glazed

Krispy Kreme

Yuuum! Chocolate glazed! So your summer plans aren't THAT boring. However, you do still find yourself being bored and at home during the day while everyone seems to have a summer internship. But not to worry!! Your summer plans consist of fun summer nights and hanging out with friends at all hours of the night!

4. Jelly-Filled

Krispy Kreme

Your summer is filled with spontaneous and last minute plans! You live in the moment and live your summer days as if they're the last ones!

5. Old Fashioned

Daily Break

Do people even get these anymore? Your summer plans consist of spending time with your grandparents and close family. It's a family summer and you're living like an old soul finding beauty in simplicity.

6. Boston-Creme

Krispy Kreme

This is a self-care summer for you! You know what you want your summer to be, just like you know that you want that Boston-Creme in your belly! This summer is all about you! Treat yo self!

7. Chocolate Long John


I have to say I have never met anyone who has ever ordered this but if this is your go-to doughnut, your summer plans consist of relaxation at the beach or lake house. Maybe it's because of the name and I think of seafood, but your summer plans have you by the water!

8. Apple-Cider


Maybe these doughnuts are more popular in the Northeast, but if your go-to doughnut is an apple-cider doughnut, chances are you just want summer to end and looking forward to the fall! Forget going to the beach and pool, you just want apple-picking season to be here already!

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