Am I The Only One- Dierks Bentley | The Odyssey Online
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54 Country Songs For Your Windows-Down Summer Commute Playlist

Because there's nothing like rolling down the windows and blasting the radio on a warm summer day.

women singing in the car

Like many, in my car, the music selection can go from the "Hamilton" soundtrack to Demi Lovato then to Hall & Oates in seconds flat.

I'm a fan of all types of music but when school lets out and the days get longer, there's just ONE genre that dominates every single one of my summer playlists.

From the lyrics to that southern sound, country never fails to liven up any hot, sunny day.

Unfortunately, most of us are stuck working our summers away, but why not fill your playlist with some of these wonderful country jams to make your summer commute suck a little bit less?

Don't Ya- Brett Eldredge

Knee Deep- Zac Brown Band ft. Jimmy Buffett

Play It Again- Luke Bryan

Body Like A Back Road- Sam Hunt

Rain Is A Good Thing- Luke Bryan

Where The Green Grass Grows- Tim McGraw

Angel Eyes- Love and Theft

Truck I Drove In High School- Mitchell Tenpenny

I Go Back- Kenny Chesney

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems- Kenny Chesney

When The Sun Goes Down- Kenny Chesney & Uncle Kracker

Time Is Love- Josh Turner

Most People Are Good- Luke Bryan

Hard To Love- Lee Brice

Drink On It- Blake Shelton

Home Alone Tonight- Luke Bryan & Karen Fairchild

Downtown- Lady Antebellum

Round Here- Florida Georgia Line

Something' Bout A Truck- Kip Moore

Pretty Good At Drinkin' Beer- Billy Currington

Keep Me In Mind- Zac Brown Band

Lovin' You Is Fun- Easton Corbin

Helluva Life- Frankie Ballard

Crazy Girl- Eli Young Band

Barefoot Blue Jean Night- Jake Owen

Live Like We're Dying- Tim McGraw

Mixed Drinks- Mitchell Tenpenny

Am I The Only One- Dierks Bentley

Gettin' You Home- Chris Young

Bottoms Up- Brantley Gilbert

Friday Night- Eric Palsay

Hope You Get Lonely Tonight- Cole Swindell

Drink To That All Night- Jerrod Niemann

Sunshine & Whiskey- Frankie Ballard

Drink In My Hand- Eric Church

Homegrown- Zac Brown Band

See You Tonight- Scotty McCreery

19 You + Me- Dan + Shay

My Kinda Party- Jason Aldean

It's Five O' Clock Somewhere- Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffett

Runnin' Outta Moonlight- Randy Houser

Bartender- Lady Antebellum

Chillin' It- Cole Swindell

Get Me Some Of That- Thomas Rhett

Beat Of The Music- Brett Eldredge

Whatever She's Got- David Nail

I Want Crazy- Hunter Hayes

That's My Kinda Night- Luke Bryan

5-1-5-0- Dierks Bentley

Boys 'Round Here- Blake Shelton ft. Pistol Annies

Take A Back Road- Rodney Atkins

How Country Feels- Randy Houser

Anywhere With You- Jake Owen

Drunk Me- Mitchell Tenpenny

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