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Here Are The Best Things To Do This Summer

Beaches, Road trips, Cookouts and more!

Here Are The Best Things To Do This Summer

This year is flying by fast and we are already into summer! The season of pool parties, water parks, cookouts, and beach trips has finally arrived.

With the change in weather approaching, it's important to know what options a person has in order to have the best summer you can. Here are several tips on what you can do in the DMV area this summer to enjoy.

Summer means that there is more time in the day. Longer days usually means the sun will be shining a lot more than usual, radiating its heat and draining you of all of your water. Make sure that you keep water with you at all times if you want to avoid a heat stroke while doing all of your activities.

Summer also brings more time for people to enjoy the outdoors. Bike trail along the rivers of Washington D.C. and Georgetown is a great way to enjoy the beauty of the nations capitol. The added plus is that you can get a great workout in while you enjoy all of the sights. Additionally, it is a good time to spend time on the Mall of Washington D.C. Spend time with your friends or make new ones while your down there.

Summer is also the time where you can enjoy monuments and museums that you otherwise would not have time to enjoy. Take advantage of the free Smithsonian museums located throughout the city. With so many options to choose from, and covering so many topics and subjects, a person can easily spend an entire day going through just one exhibit.

Last but certainly not least, summer weather means packing up the beach umbrella and making the trek to the beach. Make sure to bring plenty of sunscreen for the long relaxing hours of ocean therapy. Nobody wants to come back from a beach day unable to move because of sunburn. The beach also provides opportunities to walk the boardwalk, and enjoy many summer treats and amazing bbq.

If the beach is too long of a journey, then the water park is the next best thing. Be sure to enjoy all of the waterslides and wave pools that you can get. While summer is an amazing season, it isn't going to last for long. In my opinion, summer is the shortest season of the year. Could it be because that's the season where people have the most fun? Regardless, enjoy your summer excursions!

Bike Trails


Bike trail along the rivers of Washington D.C. and Georgetown is a great way to enjoy the beauty of the nations capitol. The added plus is that you can get a great workout in while you enjoy all of the sights.

Hiking Trails


Maryland is right along the path of the great Appalachian Trail. Many types of plant and animal life will accompany you as you travel through the woods.

National Mall


Additionally, it is a good time to spend time on the Mall of Washington D.C. Spend time with your friends or make new ones while you're down there.

The Beach


Summer weather means packing up the beach umbrella and making the trek to the beach. Make sure to bring plenty of sunscreen for the long relaxing hours of ocean therapy. Nobody wants to come back from a beach day unable to move because of sunburn.

Smithsonian Museums


Take advantage of the free Smithsonian museums located throughout the city. With so many options to choose from, and covering so many topics and subjects, a person can easily spend an entire day going through just one exhibit.

Water Parks


Hot summer weather means hours and hours in the pool. Be sure to enjoy all of the waterslides and wave pools that you can ride on with the many waterpark. Six Flags, Kings Dominion, and Busch Gardens are just a few water parks that are well worth your time.

Music Festivals


Summer months also bring music festivals of all genres. Jazz, Hip-Hip, Electronic, and Drum and Bass festivals are just a few festivals to look out for.

River Rafting/Canoeing


Although Maryland has no natural lakes, plenty of rivers run throughout the state. Get yourself a canoe, raft, or kayak and enjoy the sounds of the flowing water as the river banks pass by.

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