5. You’ll get to know yourself better. | The Odyssey Online
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9 Reasons Studying Abroad Is Worth The Debt

You'll get to know yourself better.

9 Reasons Studying Abroad Is Worth The Debt
Emilio Mtz


9. You’ll be amazed by what’s out there.


I get some of you love home and think there's nothing quite like it. While this might be true, this should not be a big enough reason to keep you from exploring the rest of the world. Every place in this world has beauty of its own and it is very much worth going out and seeing how precious these places are. The truth is, you'll never know how overwhelmingly beautiful some places are until you visit them.

8. You’ll do many amazing things you’d never do at home.


Getting to experience new things goes hand-in-hand with exploring new places. Depending on where you go, you'll get to do incredible things that are only particular to that place or region. If you're in Italy, you might get to see beautiful churches, one of the most dangerous football (soccer) derbys in the world, or you might go up the tower of Pisa and see the city from above.

All these activities are very different from what you're probably used to seeing at home. However, the exclusivity to a determined place in the world is exactly what makes these activities so unique.

7. You’ll become more independent.


If you've ever been far away from home for a long period of time you may already know of what I am talking about; but in case you have not, you're probably going to grow a lot from being away. You'll most likely become more efficient doing things by yourself without Mom and Dad's help.

You'll suddenly start cooking, doing laundry, planning your own travels, knowing your way around a new city or town, and most importantly, you'll learn to adapt to a new society and deal with culture shock. Depending on how much you've traveled or been alone, it might be harder or easier for you to adapt and deal with culture shock. Nonetheless, culture shock is a very real thing and you're probably going to encounter it at some point or another.

6. You may make new best friends.


Don't know if you had noticed this before, but going abroad will most definitely force you to interact with the same group of people every day. Thus, chances are you're probably gonna get to know whoever goes with you pretty well. If you take advantage of these constant interactions with the same people, you might find yourself a new group of friends or maybe even a best friend.

5. You’ll get to know yourself better.


While abroad, you will have a lot of time to reflect and think about who you really are. It may sound cheesy but through exposing yourself to the unknown, you'll figure out a lot of stuff about you that you had probably not discovered.

For example, you'll see how you respond to many different kinds of situations and you will most likely figure out what you like and what you don't like. As weird it may sound, I've figured out that you really won't know what you like until you know what you don't like.

4. It will help you become more culturally aware.


With all honesty, we are all ignorants to some degree. Nobody knows everything nor anyone will ever do. However, traveling and studying abroad will help you see things from a different perspective. It will help you learn how to more effectively interact with people from different cultures, and it will certainly help you assimilate to those who are different from you.

3. You’ll have a solid excuse to spam everyone on your social media.


One of the most beautiful things about traveling is sightseeing, and of course, as any normal person would, you have to go ahead and shout to the world you've been able to see for yourself all those awesome places. What's great about this though is that if you decide on publishing all your memories from your travels, nobody will tell you to stop. In fact, I'm pretty sure it will be quite the opposite.

I am certain that your followers will actually look forward to seeing your pictures and they'll most probably like them all, so I guess it's a win-win.

2. You’ll be able to kind of start over.


Another cool aspect about being away from home is that you can easily forget about all those things that bothered you or had you stressed back home. In fact, a lot of people use this time away not only as a time to forget but also as a way to restart and correct whatever they might have wanted to correct. It is kind of the same feeling you get on your first day of college after graduating high school. It is a new opportunity to start over and be that nice, refreshing, and awesome person you want to become.

1. You won’t look back at this experience with any kind of regret.


Unless you have an absolutely horrendous teacher or program-leader, you are probably going to have the best time of your life. For me, it has been almost one month since I left the U.S. to study abroad and quite frankly I'm having an absolute blast. The places we have visited are stunning, the people I've met on the trip are incredible and all the new things I've done since I arrived have been unforgettable.

Even though I miss home every now and then, the beauty and admiration I have for what's around me makes me worry more about the short time I have until I head back home. I am 100% sure that whenever I look back to the times I've been having here, I'll probably remember them with a lot of nostalgia and certainly without having a single drop of regret.

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