Comparing Yourself To Others | The Odyssey Online
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It's Important To Stop Comparing Yourself To Everyone Else

"Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud." - Shannon L. Alder

It's Important To Stop Comparing Yourself To Everyone Else

Am I enough?

That question burns at the back of my head as I constantly repeat it. My biggest struggle in life is questioning my value on this planet. I constantly doubt my abilities to become successful and that influences my decisions every day. Or am I enough to love that person intentionally? However, I know that I am not alone in this difficulty though it feels that way.

But, I'm not hearing differently from the world. I'm in college where I constantly have to see if I'm good enough to be a journalist. Or am I enough to be a part of this organization? My point is that I will continue to deal with this problem because part of the problem is the comparison.

Compared to the girl sitting to my left, I have fewer friends, I have an acne-filled face and kinky textured hair. These are all things society rejects, and these are aspects of myself I reject as well. We constantly tell ourselves to embrace your individuality, to be bold and unique. However, that's all a lie. Embracing your differences isn't viewed as you being set apart from the world, but instead a trend on social media.

In other words, we continue this big lie. We constantly compare our lives to each other and that's the norm. We all struggle with our own insecurities. While social media is apart of the problem, those around you have an influence on you as well. I found myself having conversations with people who would say "why does her hair look better than mine" or "you look better than her." The problem is that we don't uplift each other but instead compare or break down each other.

Don't be part of the problem.

This is how you can stop the self-comparison: Stop turning to social media. It doesn't boost yourself-confidencee, it does the complete opposite actually. When you turn to social media you are automatically comparing your lifestyle with someone you don't even know. Secondly, redirect you time on things that create positivity. Lastly, find out where those negative comparisons are coming from.

You don't have to have it all together. And that's where comparison fool you. It's an unrealistic expectation. We all face insecurities and comparing ourselves to others doesn't dissolve that problem instantly or at all.

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