Millennials' Role In The Church
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Millennials' Role In The Church

Should the Church focus on the millennial generation now?

Millennials' Role In The Church

When the twenty-first century arrived, the whole world changed. The way the world used to do things drastically shifted. The way we watch videos and movies, the way we read, the way we get up-to-date information, the way we teach and learn, the way we view politics and government, the way we view how culture(s) should be, and even the way some Christian congregations worship has all changed.

Millennials have arguably gained more ground than ever thanks to this century.

To its benefit and/or slight possible inconvenience, churches have had to alter the method(s) of inviting more people to worship and hopefully see Christ's work at hand.

Even as a young churchgoer in the early 2000's, (before my salvation,) I felt some sort of disconnect because I was a kid. When I realized my mom and my dad were raised in two completely opposite churches, it only added to the frustration. In spite of this, I keenly remember being brought to my Kansas grandmother's Lutheran church for Vacation Bible School (VBS). This was the time in my life was when I first heard or even knew about contemporary Christian music. The first song played at that VBS was "Every Move I Make." I was only eight years old.

Now, I'll be one to admit that I'm happy that some of this century's churches have made sure to not leave out more demographics of people- especially the millennials. My Southern Baptist church in Dallas has done a remarkable job with reaching not only millennials but people of all ages for Christ. If your church has already done great things with the millennials, then the following may not apply to you (although you may keep on reading...).

However, more work can always be done, and it needs to be done.

So, am I saying throw away the essential beliefs that Christianity holds dear? Get rid of *all* of those heart-warming and spiritual hymns forever (if you use instruments)? Become a megachurch overnight? A thousand times no! In fact, keep the hymns/organ music and traditional services. Keep on preaching the life-changing Gospel of Christ with no hesitations. Of course, not all millennials are the same. Some may appreciate traditional hymns while others are going to enjoy a worship band experience more. If your church doesn't happen to have a sustainable population of millennials, then it may make more sense to keep things the way you have done them.

However, if the young adult demographic is ripe in your area, then it may be best to do some evaluation of how your church should move forward.

If you want your church to grow, it's going to take time. If you want your church to reach more millennials, let me be one of many to tell you it needs to consider making some changes.

All in all, what I'm aiming at here is to consider making church easier to understand. This may mean altering the churchy language in your worship order bulletins. Words like confession and absolution, salvation, prelude, postlude, offertory, etc. are all clearly in the Christianese English language to us churched people. Unfortunately, to the skeptic, the unchurched, the non-Christian, and "the least of these" millennials, these words may make us seem like aliens from another planet.

Another possibility would be considering to add more ministries geared towards the specific age groups. For example, you might want to have a young singles ministry. If your area happens to have a college (or more!) then it also may be wise to have a college ministry. This way, young adults feel as if they may have a group within the church to call theirs.

This has nothing to do with political correctness or ageism. It's about reaching millennials for Christ. Wouldn't you like to see more millennials trust in Christ and eventually see them in Heaven? This may be your chance. Truth is, it's up to you/the church.

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