17. Mansionz — "rich white girls" | The Odyssey Online
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20 Songs For Late Nights Under City Lights

Best enjoyed after the sun sets.


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It's 8:34 p.m. The sun has set hours ago, but people are still milling around, wrapped in coats and scarves with their hands tucked into their pockets. Their laughter mixes with the sounds of subways moving underground and cars gliding up the pavement. Tall buildings stretch down the block; their windows are rectangles of light illuminated in yellow and white. Steam from street carts carries the smell of grilled meat and peanuts down the block.

You stride down the street, hands pressed into the warmth of your gloves. You put on your earbuds and press play.

1. Healy — "Unwind"

2. Nieman — "Outer Space"

3. Gallant — "Bourbon"

4. Rihanna — "Close to You"

5. Shallou — "Begin"

6. Tyler, the Creator — "See You Again"

7. Jeremy Zucker ft. blackbear — "talk is overrated"

8. J Balvin ft. Rosalia — "Brillo"

9. SZA ft. Travis Scott — "Love Galore"

10. Ashley Tisdale ft. Chris French — "Still Into You"

11. ALEPH — "Fall in Love Again"

12. The Japanese House — "Face Like Thunder"

13. The Maine — "Black Butterflies and Déjà Vu (Acoustic)"

14. Russ — "Psycho, Pt. 2"

15. Marc E. Bassy — "XX"

16. Lila Drew ft. goldlink — "faded/2am"

17. Mansionz — "rich white girls"

18. H.E.R. — "Jungle"

19. alextbh — "Stoop So Low"

20. Khalid — "Saturday Nights"

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