28. Clothes that smell like smoke after a bonfire | The Odyssey Online
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There Are A Million Little Things That Make Up A Happy Life But Here Are 44 Things To Get You Started

Happiness is something you find, not something that finds you.

There Are A Million Little Things That Make Up A Happy Life But Here Are 44 Things To Get You Started

We all get these ideas of what happiness looks like. Happiness is that perfect relationship with the Calvin Klein model who makes you blueberry pancakes and coffee every Sunday. Happiness is landing that big promotion that comes with the corner office with a view of downtown. Happiness is getting all your best friends together and taking a year off to go backpacking across Europe.

Maybe you actually do check all those big-ticket items off your bucket list and find happiness from them. Maybe you don't. And if you don't, don't give in to the idea that your life is over and meaningless. Happiness doesn't just come in life-changing moments. It comes in all different kinds of unexpected and ordinary ways. It's the small moments that make for a happy life, you just have to look for them.

What do they look like? Here are just a few examples:

1. Starting a new show on Netflix

2. Clouds that turn pink in the sunset

3. Not being able to stop laughing at a joke that's been over for hours...or days

4. Playing board games at 2 AM with your new college friends

5. The acoustic version of a song by your favorite artist

6. Being nose-deep in a really good book

7. Watching birds fly overhead

8. Getting breakfast the morning after a night out with friends

9. Singing along to a song on the radio you know all the words to

10. Hair that turns to princess curls in the rain

11. Watching raindrops race each other down your car door window

12. Making wishes on dandelions and shooting stars and 11:11

13. Pouring cream into coffee and watching it change color

14. Chocolate and peanut butter

15. Meeting new people who turn into your best friends

16. Anything pine-scented

17. Trying a new food that turns out to be delicious

18. Watching someone with headphones bop their head to the beat without realizing it

19. Christmas lights

20. A baby laughing

21. Anyone laughing

22. Sliding on hardwood floors with fuzzy socks

23. Standing in the surf and letting the waves bury your feet in the sand

24. Freshly washed sheets

25. Throwback playlists

26. Driving with the windows down

27. Grass-stained feet

28. Clothes that smell like smoke after a bonfire

29. Passing a test you thought you failed

30. Receiving packages in the mail

31. Ice cream sundaes (w/ hot fudge)

32. Having impromptu movie nights with your roommates

33. Playing on swings

34. Licking the batter from the spoon

35. Hot showers on cold days

36. Listening to live music

37. Fruit-flavored bubble gum

38. Bear hugs

39. Drawing smiley faces on the mirror after a shower

40. Home-cooked meals

41. Wearing a new outfit

42. Discovering a new song you love

43. Watching home videos

44. Stargazing

The list goes on and on.

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