12. She doesn't take any of your crap! | The Odyssey Online
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15 Reasons Sisters Are Literally The Best Friends A Girl Could Have

10. She never lets you be bored...

Abbie Dudek

Sisters are the best! I'm lucky enough to have an older and a younger sister. Although sometimes being the middle child sucks, it has its perks, one being: having an older and younger sister.

I'll be honest and say that we do fight, but what siblings don't? I know they will always be here for me and love me as much as I love them.

1. You learn a lot from them (especially from their mistakes)...


Everyone makes mistakes cause nobody is perfect, your sister's mistakes help you learn and vice versa. People can usually tell your sister because you act in the same manner as each other.

2. You always stick together!


You may argue but when it comes to needing someone on your side or to back you up, you can count on her.

3. She always know just what you need to hear...


Perks of having a sister is they've known you all your/thier life. They know your moods and behaviors and always know just what you need to hear.

4. She always know how to make you smile.


Having a bad day? Not on your sisters watch, she knows just how to make you smile and laugh.

5. You've got your own personal hairstylist!


She may not be the best but thats what youtube is for! Chances are, she loves messing iwth your hair as much as you enjoy her messing with your hair, even if the results aren't the best.

6. You just sort of forget who's clothes are who's...


This may cause some arguments but eventually its forgotten and you can't stay mad at each other for too long.

7. She understands your weird cause she's weird too.


You just get each other and don't mind how weird the other gets, and that is the best.

8. She's always got your back no matter what situation you're in...


You might get yourself in the craziest of situations and don't know how the heck to get out of it. She will always help out to the best of her ability after she finishes laughing.

9. She knows how to have fun!


No matter how small the gathering or even if its just you and her, you always seem to have a great time together.

10. She never lets you be bored...


Whether its sending you funny gifs or memes or actually getting you off your butt to go do something, sisters will never let you be bored.

11. She can be completely annoying but you still love her.


She can annoy you to the point where you just want her to buzz off, but somehow it brings a smile to your face, after you finish sulking.

12. She doesn't take any of your crap!


Friends may just let things slide but your sister isn't afraid to stand up to you even if it gets you mad at her. So whether if your acting crappy toward her or being a downer on yourself, she'll call you out.

13. God hand picked her just for you...


It's hard to argue that you weren't meant to be sisters when you just get each other.

14. She loves you unconditionally.

No matter what you do or who you become, you know your sister still loves you even if she doesn't always show it.

15. She'll always be there when you need her most...


There will always be hard times during life and your sister will be there with you through thick and thin.

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