After you graduate, you will realize that there are things that are happening to you that wouldn't have in high school. Whether it's physical, mental, or emotional, it doesn't take a scientist to figure out that change is definitely happening or has happened.
If you're still in high school, just be aware that these things will, I repeat, WILL happen to you, so savor your young lives now while you can. Here are the side effects of graduating high school.
1. You will fall asleep earlier and earlier.
2. You'll come down with early signs of the grandma fever.
3. Your style of clothes will change from dressing up in jeans almost everyday to basically whatever you roll out of bed with.
4. Life will hit you. Hard and all at once.
5. You will find yourself declining invites to hang out with words like, "I can't, I have work" or "I have so much homework".
6. You will have to do a few things called taxes and paying bills.
7. You will have to keep up with all of your appointments and (get ready for this one) MAKE your own appointments.
8. You will barely go to the gym or exercise in general.
In fact, it's been so long that you forget what that looks like.
9. Eating salads and drinking water will become more of a chore.
10. You no longer will put heat to your hair.
It's just too much work. Instead, you will use dry-shampoo or hair-ties and call it a day.