One night Joseph and I were sitting on the couch (writing raps like savages), bored. We decided to alleviate our boredom by creating a rap parody. It started out as a couple of lines, but then we kept going, and going, and didn't stop until two hours and two pages of notes later. That's when we knew that this rap was legit.
Over the course of the next month, we filmed parts of the music video when we had time. We utilized the props we bought, which consisted of some (sick) beets, a cabbage, and two containers of honey.
After a two week hiatus from the project, we finally buckled down and recorded the rap while trying to obtain suitable background music. This turned out to be harder than we thought, as we first had to match our voices up to the background soundtrack and then connect our lips in the (already filmed) music video to the recorded song. It took more than a few hours to get it mostly right.
Then it was time for sharing. Here's the link to the original video on YouTube. Enjoy!